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Technical Coordination Body of ARCAL Met in Mexico to Review the Technical Cooperation Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean

Mr Francisco Rondinelli from Brasil, Ms Lydia Paredes from Mexico, Ms Bibiana Gómez Muñoz from Mexico and Ms Inocencia Peralta from Paraguay. 

The XVIII Meeting of the Technical Coordination Body (OCTA) of the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL) took place in Cancún, Mexico, from 8 to 11 May 2017. Following representatives of the State Parties to the Agreement were in attendance: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, together with a representative of Spain, as strategic partner of ARCAL, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in its capacity as Secretariat to the Agreement.

During the opening of the meeting, Ms Bibiana Gómez Muñoz, Director of International Affairs of the Ministry of Energy of Mexico, welcomed the participants. Ms Lydia Paredes Gutiérrez, Director General of the National Institute of Nuclear Research of Mexico (ININ) and National Coordinator of ARCAL, who assumed the Presidency of the OCTA for the period 2017-2019, also spoke at the opening, highlighting the importance of South - South Cooperation, as well as the collaboration among developing countries in the region, focusing on the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mr Luis Carlos Longoria Gándara, Director of the Division for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Department of Technical Cooperation at the IAEA, commended the collaboration between the Agency and ARCAL, which has significantly supported the development of the Latin American and Caribbean region on the basis of the different applications of nuclear technology.

Mr Raúl Ramírez Section Head TCLAC at the IAEA, Mr Luis Carlos Longoria, Director of TCLAC, IAEA, and Mr Francisco Rondinelli from Brasil.

This session of the OCTA meeting had several outcomes, among others:

  • The approval of the Plan of Activities for 2017, encompassing all the regional events and activities in the region under the ARCAL projects.
  • The approval of the ARCAL programme of projects for the Technical Cooperation Cycle 2018 – 2019, which will be submitted to the ARCAL Board of Representatives (ORA) at its next session.
  • The call for submission of project concepts within the region was finalized, allowing OCTA to receive proposals which will be evaluated in order to define the projects comprising the programme for the upcoming cycle 2020 – 2021.

The ARCAL programme is selected taking into account the needs and problems identified in the Regional Strategic Profile 2016-2021, prepared and adopted by ARCAL members, as well as their contributions to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The meeting was also successful in terms of evaluation and monitoring of several ongoing projects in the areas of human health, water and environment, energy, agriculture and food security, and radiation technology, as well as in the establishment of a working group for the enhancement of the communication strategy of ARCAL.

ARCAL representatives in May 2017 in Mexico. 

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