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States Call for Strengthening Nuclear Science, Technology and Application

The plenary hall during the 52nd IAEA General Conference. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

States meeting at the IAEA General Conference have adopted a cluster resolution that calls for measures to further strengthen IAEA activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications.

The resolution addresses three major areas: non-nuclear power applications; nuclear power applications; and knowledge management. Non-power applications cover activities in fields beyond the use of nuclear power for energy production; such fields include food and agriculture, water resources, environmental protection, and human health.

The resolution further addresses specific areas:

  • Development of the sterile technique to control or eradicate malaria-transmitting mosquitoes;
  • Support of the African Union´s Pan African tsetse and trypanosomosis eradication campaign; and
  • Plan for producting potable water economically using small and medium sized-nuclear reactors.

The resolution addresses food and agriculture development, expressing appreciation for the work undertaken by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and urging the IAEA to continue to strengthen its activities in this field.

On nuclear power applications, the resolution overall affirms the importance of the role of the IAEA in facilitating the development of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, including electric power generation, and requests the Agency to continue its activities in the areas of nuclear science and technology for nuclear power applications. It also addresses areas related to approaches into support nuclear power infrastructure development, and Agency activities in the development of innovative nuclear technology.

On knowledge management, the resolution notes the need to preserve, enhance and strengthen nuclear knowledge, and urges the IAEA to strengthen its current and planned efforts in this area, recognizing the need for a focused and consolidated approach.

The full text of the resolution will be published in the IAEA´s six official languages on the GC Archives site.

Last update: 27 Jul 2017

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