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Second Regional Meeting for Peer Review of National Self-assessments of Compliance Assurance Regime for Transport Safety, and for the Establishment of Ongoing Use of Network


The Second Regional Meeting for Peer Review of National Self-assessments of Compliance Assurance Regime for Transport Safety, and for Establishment of On-Going Use of Network was organized by the IAEA in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia. The meeting was hosted by the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) and took place in the capital city of Jakarta from 28 September to 2 October 2015.

Twenty-two representatives from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand took part in the meeting, which aimed to assess the progress of their respective countries in establishing and maintaining an effective regulatory infrastructure and compliance assurance regime for transport safety of radioactive material. The highly interactive event was facilitated by IAEA experts and relied on a peer review of national self-assessments as well as elaboration on establishing a transport safety network for mutual support in the region.

Participants were given the opportunity to review a partner country's regulatory infrastructure for transport safety as well as share best practices. The review exercise and reporting about each other's achievements and gaps was run in the spirit of transparency and open exchange of information. The meeting provided an enriching experience gained in the course of the review while also concluding that there was a need to further refine the methodology of peer review in order to ensure objective reflection through a variety of opinions and comprehensive information sharing.

A site visit was conducted to a package test facility at Indonesia's National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN). It was agreed that a regional network should be established to encourage cooperation among the regulators for transport in the region. The network appointed a coordinator, and it was decided that this responsibility would be rotated between members of the network annually. 

he meeting was held within the framework of the IAEA regional technical cooperation (TC) project RAS/9/067 'Strengthening an Effective Compliance Assurance Regime for the Transport Safety of Radioactive Material' with a financial contribution provided by the European Union (EU) under a partnership arrangement with the IAEA.

RAS/9/067 is one of the five safety-related regional TC projects in the region of Asia and the Pacific supported by the EU through the Nuclear Safety Cooperation Instrument as part of a larger EU initiative to enhance nuclear safety around the world.

     Project RAS/9/067 is carried out with funding
by the European Union and the IAEA.

At BATAN package test facility: Close to the drop test preparations

At BATAN package test facility: Observing a crush test from behind a protective fence

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Last update: 26 Jul 2017

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