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Regional Training Course on Developing a Safety Case for Predisposal Waste Management Facilities in line with the IAEA Safety Standards


The Regional Training Course on Developing a Safety Case for Predisposal Waste Management Facilities in line with the IAEA Safety Standards took place in Vienna, Austria, from 15 to 19 December 2014. Altogether 20 participants from 16 Member States in the Asia and the Pacific region attended the workshop. The participants were from the following Member States: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, the territories under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Syria, Thailand and Viet Nam. The lecturers were from Belgium and Estonia.

The course, supported by funds provided by the European Union (EU), was held as per the approved workplan and within the framework of the IAEA's regional technical cooperation (TC) project RAS/9/069, 'Harmonizing Approaches and Measures for Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment in Line with the International Safety Standards.'

The main purpose of this course was to support those organizations in the Asia and the Pacific region in need of strengthening their capacities that are necessary for the development and implementation of a management system for the predisposal management of radioactive waste with due account of interdependencies amongst all the steps involved and waste acceptance criteria derived from the safety case.

The training course included lectures and presentations supported by information exchanges and topical discussions as well as real-case exercises related to the safety case, decision steps associated with the predisposal management system and the derived waste acceptance criteria.

As part of a larger European Union initiative to enhance nuclear safety around the world, the EU supports several IAEA TC activities through the Nuclear Safety Cooperation Instrument including five TC projects in Asia and the Pacific related to safety issues.

     Project RAS/9/069 is carried out with funding
by the European Union and the IAEA.

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Last update: 26 Jul 2017

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