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Regional Meeting for Sharing Experience and Lessons Learned with the Implementation of the Code of Conduct (Russian edition)

RER/9/111 Reference Documentation

RER/9/111 "Establishing a Sustainable National Regulatory Infrastructure for Nuclear and Radiation Safety"

"Regional Meeting for Sharing Experience and Lessons Learned with the Implementation of the Code of Conduct (Russian edition)",Vilnius, Lithuania, 21-24 May 2013


This meeting was organized under the scope of the TC project RER/9/111: Establishing a Sustainable National Regulatory Infrastructure for Nuclear and Radiation Safety.  The event was financed with support from the Peaceful Uses Initiative.


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and share experience and lessons learned during implemntation in the region of the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources (the Code) and its associated Guidance on Import and Export of Radioactive Sources (the Guidance) in accordance with the formalized process established by Member States in 2006 and following the recommendation of the open-ended meeting of Technical and Legal Experts on the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources held in Vienna in May 2010, calling for regional meetings.
The following results were achieved:

The following results were achieved:
An update of participating countries' progress and lessons-learned in implementing the Code and Guidance.
Knowledge and experience sharing to support a harmonized implementation of the Code and the Guidance in the region.
A meeting report, together with national reports for each participating country, summarizing the status of implementation of the Code and the Guidance in the region, with achievements, remaining challenges and proposals for further actions.
Agreement on issues to be considered for incorporation in a European perspective on the Code and Guidance to be presented on behalf of the region at the 2013 international conference on source safety and security (Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct 27-31 2013).

Activities & Outcome

Each participating country provided a national presentation (in Russian) of the current status of its national infrastructure for safety in the context of the Code and supplementary Guidance.

Working from these national reports and in response to topics prepared by the Chair and Scientific Secretary, discussions were held amongst the participating states on the regional status of implementation of the Code and Guidance, stressing problems encountered, notably at the global level and in particular with import and export of sources and their whole life management, including return to supplier etc.

At the end of the meeting, working directly with the participating states, the Chair finalised her report setting out the issues arising and separately indicating which global issues should be considered for inclusion in the European perspective session at the Abu Dhabi Conference in October 2013.  Due consideration was given to the outputs of the twin of this event, held a month earlier in Tirana, Albania (in English) thus, building on the Tirana outcomes and where appropriate, identifying new issues.

It is recommended that meetings of this nature are repeated every few years to maintain the momentum in developing a region-wide harmonised approach to the implementation of the Code and Guidance and to ensure that problems encountered are realistically addressed in the continued development of the Code and Guidance.

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Last update: 26 Jul 2017

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