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On the safe side: IAEA organizes Second School for Drafting Radiation Safety Regulations in Asia and the Pacific

The safety and security of nuclear and radiation facilities and activities is contingent on the establishment of an independent and effective national regulatory framework for safety. In implementing its statutory function, the IAEA collaborates closely with and supports its Member States, often through its technical cooperation (TC) programme, in strengthening regulatory authorities and their regulatory functions, including the development of regulations for implementation of their national laws for safety. As part of an ongoing regional TC project , in which 28 Member States and territories are participating, and in cooperation with the European Commission, the Agency hosted its Second School for Drafting Regulations on Radiation Safety for IAEA Member States in the Asia and the Pacific region from 9 to 20 November 2015, at its headquarters in Vienna.

The School was attended by 14 participants from eight countries, namely: Bangladesh, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, and territories under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.

At the end of the School, each participating State had prepared a first draft of new national regulations in cases where theses did not already exist, or had amended existing regulations, in accordance with IAEA safety requirements. The drafts are ready for further development and issuance in the State.


The prime objective of IAEA Schools for Drafting is to support participant countries with the drafting and revision of their national regulations on safety, and to expedite the drafting of new, or revision of existing, national regulations consistent with the relevant IAEA requirements. IAEA Technical Officers (TOs) from the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security and legal staff from the Agency's Office of Legal Affairs, together with international experts, are available throughout the period of the School to provide guidance and assistance on the development of comprehensive regulations on safety.

This initiative significantly accelerates Member States' preparation of regulations, encourages harmonisation across the region, and increases the quality of the outcome due to the unique possibility to consult, not only with other participating States and international experts, but also with technical experts from various IAEA sections.

Schools for Drafting are open to senior regulators from IAEA Member States already experienced in drafting and implementing national regulations for safety, and are not training events. By building on the existing capacities of staff of regulatory bodies, the schools ensure the sustainability of regulators' ability to appropriately develop and update national regulations and guides for safety, within their legislative framework and in line with IAEA safety standards and best practices.

       The project RAS/9/062  is carried out with funding by the European Union and the IAEA.

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Last update: 26 Jul 2017

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