Did you know that radiation was all around us? Or that lost radioactive sources were among the most common types of radiation emergencies? Get the facts about radiation and radiation emergencies by checking out the IAEA’s new online learning module.
This online resource comes with two modules: part one breaks down the basics of what radiation is, how it works, and where you can find it; part two focuses on common types of radiation emergencies, explaining what they are and how they are handled. The interactive interface, easy-to-understand language, and dynamic animations help to make these scientific and technical topics more accessible and interesting.
The step-by-step learning environment guides users through each topic, while a quick menu option offers a way to jump from one topic to another. This lets you use it as a quick reference tool, or you can complete each module from start to finish in under an hour. True/false and multiple choice questions give users a chance to see what they have learned along the way. With this combination, users can freely choose how they want to learn, making it ideal for everyone, from the casual user with no knowledge of the subjects to educators designing syllabi for students.
Visit these e-learning modules any time from the comfort of your computer to discover facts about radiation and radiation emergencies.