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NEW CRP: Dosimetry in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy for Personalized Patient Treatment (E23005)

New Coordinated Research Project

Uses of Dosimetry in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (Photo: Dr Massimiliano Pacilio)

Radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) has demonstrated unique therapeutic advantages in the treatment of an increasing number of cancers. As with other treatment modalities, there is related toxicity to a number of organs at risk. The clinical benefit of performing dosimetry has now been demonstrated for a number of nuclear medicine therapies. However, propagation of dosimetric methods into nuclear medicine practice remains slow and considerable uncertainties in absorbed dose calculations still exist. Harmonized dosimetric protocols and methodologies should guide a personalized patient treatment with the aim of improving efficacy and reduce toxicity. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is about to initiate a CRP on Dosimetry in RPT to support the standardization and dissemination of dosimetric methods in nuclear medicine therapy. The CRP will assist Member States in testing and adopting harmonized dosimetric protocols and to assess the typical accuracy with which dosimetry can be reached in nuclear medicine practice. State of the art research in the field will be implemented, with a direct impact to both the clinical services and the research potential of the Member States.

CRP Overall Objective

The overall objective of this project is to enhance the capabilities of Member States to incorporate dosimetry in RPT practice. The ultimate benefit will be to patients receiving individualized RPT so as to make this treatment modality safer and more effective.

Specific Research Objectives

1. Establish an understanding of tools and methods available for dosimetry of RPT 2. Assess and investigate ways to improve the achievable accuracy of tumour and normal tissues absorbed doses 3. Create scientific networks with expertise in dosimetry for RPT that will remain active after the completion of the CRP 4. Support participating institutes to become reference centres on RPT for their Member States 5. Identify the advantages of implementing dosimetry in terms of reducing toxicity and improving tumour response

How to join the CRP?

Please submit your Proposal for Research Contract or Agreement by April 30, 2017 directly to the IAEA’s Research Contracts Administration Section, using the form templates on the CRA web site (preferably via email). More details on the Coordinated Research Project can be found in this Call for Proposals. For further information related to this CRP, potential applicants could contact Gian Luca Poli and Harry Delis, Project Officers, Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics Section, Division of Human Health, Department of Nuclear Science and Applications, IAEA.

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