The IAEA is launching a new Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on “Advanced Tools for Quality and Dosimetry of Digital Imaging in Radiology”, with a time frame of five years from 2021-2025.
The utilization of X-ray imaging is increasing rapidly worldwide. It has been demonstrated that effective quality assurance (QA) programmes have a positive impact on improving image quality and reducing patient exposure. QA is a framework to ensure that X-ray facilities produce consistent, high-quality images with minimum exposure to patients and personnel. Quality Control (QC) is an essential part of QA that involves periodic and annual testing of all components of an imaging system.
The key professional coordinating these activities in the diagnostic radiology department is the Clinically Qualified Medical Physicist (CQMP). Unfortunately, the number of CQMPs competent in the field of radiology is low compared to the needs at a global level and even if they exist in the radiology department, they do not have all the tools available to work efficiently and to follow the latest developments in the field.
To respond to the need for regular QC testing, the IAEA developed a methodology using 2 phantoms (one for radiography and one for mammography) and a software tool. The phantoms enable QC tests on a daily or weekly basis to be performed using a state-of-the-art detectability index (d') and accompanying software allows for complete and automated evaluation of the main performance characteristics of the imaging chain such as homogeneity, spatial resolution, etc. The phantoms can be built using simple low-cost material at the local level. They can be used together with the software either on a local basis by the CQMP or by groups of CQMPs responsible for a network of hospitals including smaller radiological facilities in a remote setting.