The eighth session of the Nuclear Law Institute (NLI) concluded today in Baden, Austria, with the participation of close to 60 lawyers and regulators from Member States from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Implemented in the framework of IAEA’s technical cooperation programme, the NLI is designed to support Member States in the challenging task of legislating in a highly technical field in which a broad and complex range of international instruments need to be considered.
“What I have learned during these two weeks from the sessions and the interaction with other participants has been very useful for my work as legal officer in the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority”, said participant Oyindamola Crowther from Nigeria.
After two weeks of intensive training and practical work, participants were able to successfully finalize and present during the last day of the course specific drafting assignments focusing on areas such as nuclear liability, safety and security of radioactive sources, physical protection of nuclear and other radioactive material, licensing of nuclear installations, as well as radioactive waste management and decommissioning.
Peri Lynne Johnson, IAEA Legal Adviser and Director of the Office of Legal Affairs, encouraged participants to share with their authorities and peers the lessons learned from this experience. “NLI alumni are in a good position to contribute to overall awareness in their countries on the importance of having a sound legal framework to govern the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear technology and on the specificities of this technical area of law”, she said.
With more than 400 national officials trained since its establishment in 2011, the Nuclear Law Institute has played a unique role in helping Member States develop the national capacity needed to draft laws that enable the beneficial uses of nuclear technology while providing for the protection of people and the environment from the potential risks of ionizing radiation.
The ninth session of the Nuclear Law Institute will be held in October 2019. Information on how to apply will be made available in the IAEA website during the first quarter of 2019.