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IAEA to Hold a Webinar on Nuclear Law in Practice: the IAEA Perspective

IAEA Webinar on Nuclear Law

The IAEA will hold a webinar on the basics of nuclear law and why it matters. The event, Nuclear Law in Practice: the IAEA Perspective, will be held on 15 December at 14:00-16:00 Vienna time. It will provide a forum for individuals and organizations from industry, law firms, NGOs, civil society and academia, as well as to the wider public to learn about nuclear law.

What is nuclear law, its objective, scope and main principles? What are the main international legal instruments in this field? How is nuclear law different from other aspects of national and international law? What are the main elements of a comprehensive national nuclear legal framework? What relationship does nuclear law have to other elements of a State’s legal framework? What is the role of the IAEA in the development and implementation of nuclear law? These are just some of the questions that will be answered during the webinar which will also provide an opportunity to highlight recent developments in this field.

The safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technology and its applications hold the promise of significant benefits in many areas of major social and economic significance. These areas include energy, human health and nutrition, water resource management, food and agriculture, marine and coastal environment protection and climate change. The use of nuclear science and technology directly contributes to nine of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

However, ionizing radiation may also pose risks to health and safety as well as to the environment: risks that need to be carefully assessed, managed and controlled without unduly limiting the contribution of nuclear technology to development.

Nuclear law is an essential prerequisite for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear technology and its applications. However, given that nuclear law addresses a highly complex, specialist and technical field, a layperson often lacks awareness of this field of law and its important role.

The webinar will be opened by IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi. It will feature presentations by Peri Lynne Johnson, IAEA Legal Adviser and Director of the Office of Legal Affairs and Wolfram Tonhauser, Head of the Nuclear and Treaty Law Section.

Participation in the webinar is free of charge and open to all following registration. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and join an interactive Q&A session with selected experts during the webinar.

For more information and to register for the webinar, please click here.

Last update: 18 Nov 2020

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