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IAEA and Asian Partners Extend Cooperation to Coordinate and Promote Activities


Via teleconferencing, Deputy Director General Dazhu Yang presents his signature on the Extension Amendment to counterparts at RCARO, provided on behalf of the IAEA Department of Technical Cooperation. (Photo: O. Yusuf/IAEA)

For more than 18 years, the Regional Office of the Regional Cooperative Agreement for research, development and training related to nuclear science and technology for Asia and the Pacific (RCA) has helped to inform, implement and enhance the visibility of IAEA technical cooperation (TC) projects implemented under the Agreement. Dazhu Yang, Deputy Director General, Head  of Department of Technical Cooperation, met virtually with Pill Hwan Park , Director of the RCA Regional Office (RCARO) in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, on 15 October to sign an Amendment to extend the Practical Arrangements between the IAEA and RCARO, signed in 2017, for an additional three-year period.

Organized under the auspices of the IAEA, RCA provides an intergovernmental framework through which member countries in the region can promote and coordinate—in cooperation with each other and with the IAEA—research, development and training projects in nuclear science and technology. In the last 48 years, efforts channelled through the RCA Agreement have helped to steer and successfully implement more than 150 TC projects, in addition to other projects conducted with support from regional and international donors, such as the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation.

The Amendment will extend RCARO-IAEA cooperation until September 2023. (Photo: O. Yusuf/IAEA)

The Regional Office of RCA was established in 2002 with the objective of preserving and sharing nuclear knowledge and enhancing the visibility of the peaceful applications of nuclear technologies in the region. Counterparts at RCARO have been instrumental in coordinating activities on the ground, identifying new regional partners and pro-actively exhibiting the benefits of nuclear technologies throughout Asia and the Pacific, Mr Yang said. 

The Amendment to the Practical Arrangements between RCARO and the IAEA formally extend their collaboration until September 2023. 

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