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General Conference Day 3 Highlights


Exhibits are key features of the IAEA General Conference like this educational, virtual nuclear power reactor simulator. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

During the plenary session over 50 delegations took part in the debate. Their full statements are available here.

The 2015 Scientific Forum on Atoms in Industry concluded today with an open forum, which saw a number of questions from the audience on topics such as non-destructive testing, mining, role of e-beams accelerators, sterilization techniques for medical items using radiation, the latest nuclear applications for food preservation, the use of natural polymers, strengthening regulatory and legislative framework, global warming and water pollution, as well as issues pertaining to industrial safety and improving private-public partnership in industry. “Nuclear science and technology can contribute to the 13 of the 17 areas of the Sustainable Development Goals and we want to play a role,” said Yukiya Amano, IAEA Director General in his concluding remarks.

At a well-attended side event, the IAEA launched the new smartphone App for cancer staging that will be able to identify the stage of cancer quickly and accurately. This app is accessible, easy to use and absolutely free of charge. The Agency has developed this unique app for cancer staging. It allows harmonized communication about cancer, which will facilitate appropriate and personalized care among multidisciplinary teams involved in cancer management.

Africa’s Energy Needs and the Potential Role of Nuclear Power reported on recent developments in African Member States considering, embarking on, or expanding national nuclear power programmes and also provided an overview of IAEA support to newcomers and expanding countries, including Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) missions to African countries.

Small Modular Reactors: Option for Safe Nuclear Power Technology for Near-term Deployments highlighted the design, safety, regulation, and operation aspects of current small modular reactor designs to promote competitive, safe and sustainable nuclear power technology for near-term deployments.

Women in All Things Nuclear — the Future Workforce was a panel discussion on initiatives that address its goal of gender parity in all areas of the IAEA, trend of youth retention in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and discuss the gaps between university graduate students and young professionals in the nuclear field.

The 5th Nuclear Operator Organization Cooperation Forum — Nuclear Power Generation in the Next Decade: Challenges and Solutions for 2015– 2025 discussed the status of operating NPPs for safe, reliable and efficient power generation. In particular, delegates discussed the technical and programmatic aspects of NPP operation that include plant performance, effective operation and maintenance management; human resource development programme; social and economic impacts to long term operation of nuclear power plants; and post-Fukushima action and response to robustness and compliance.

Other side events held on Wednesday include:


Last update: 26 Jul 2017

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