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Celebrating the World Radiography Day

On 8 November, the world celebrated the international day of radiography endorsing health professionals specializing in imaging of human anatomy.

This annual event recognizes the achievements in medical imaging. This year is the 122nd anniversary of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s discovery of X-rays, which led to the production of the first radiographs.

The ISRRT is sponsoring many events to reflect this year’s theme “We care about your safety”. It reminds us of the importance of radiographers and their contribution to the well-being of patients. Some of the activities include taking part in the celebrations by organizing exhibitions, presentations and various public events for health professionals, students and the public, raising awareness of the achievement in diagnostic imaging in healthcare.

“In Côte d’Ivoire, we organize a regional workshop on justification of radiological procedures and optimization of patients’ and workers’ protection. We try to gather around ten French speaking countries,” said Yao Kouame Boniface, Cote d’Ivoire.

Radiographers, also called medical imaging technologists, perform the imaging and are the ultimate persons responsible for assuring that the image is taken correctly. They are responsible for providing information about the patient through effective communication and support the radiologists with an accurate interpretation of the X-rays. They are also accountable for setting up the equipment using ionizing radiation and for correct positioning of patients. Radiographers have an important role in ensuring the overall safety of the patients undergoing a radiographic procedure, such as computed tomography (CT), mammography and fluoroscopy.

Radiographers are challenged with the increase in the number of procedures being performed, the potential higher radiation doses received by the patient and the lack of adequate resources. “If radiographers can optimize these procedures then we are likely to reduce patients’ doses,” said Mary Boadu from the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission.

When well-educated and trained, radiographers can make a difference. “Technology continues to grow and change, and we must make sure that radiographers are educated on the new technological changes.” Kelli Hayes, educator, United States of America.

To support these efforts, the IAEA provides training material on the RPOP website. From 16-20 October 2017, the IAEA held a consultancy meeting in Ghana, Accra to strengthen the training and education of radiographers in Africa by developing newer methodology for students and careered radiographers. Experts from Africa discussed how to develop an online training, which will support the continuous education of radiographers.

See the interviews with experts from the meeting on the importance of the role of radiographers:

Mary Boadu, Ghana →
Kelli Hayes, United States of America →
Edem Sosu, Ghana →


Last update: 27 Jan 2020

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