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Cancer Survivor’s Testimonial – Evelyn: I Now Have a Future and Want to Help Others


Evelyn, 44, was diagnosed with HIV in 2005 and was told she had advanced cervical cancer in 2012. At the time, Evelyn was given a 50% chance of surviving. The HIV virus compromises the immune system making it more susceptible to other infections. Women with HIV are more likely to develop cervical cancer if they become infected by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In Zambia, cervical cancer accounts for over half of all women’s cancers. A nationwide screening campaign began in 2006 and has so far screened 350,000 women through 52 centres. HPV vaccinations are being piloted. Almost 55 percent of women referred to Lusaka’s Cancer Diseases Hospital receive treatment for cervical cancer.

In 2004, I was working as a sales lady for the State Lotteries in Chingola, Zambia’s Copperbelt. It was a good job. My health problems started when I developed a cough which wouldn’t go away. I was told it was TB. After eight months of taking medicine the cough came back but this time stronger. I found I couldn’t work anymore.

The doctor tested me for HIV, which came back positive. This bad news was made worse when I found out that all this illness had seriously weakened my immune system. I was told I needed strong medicine, which would help build me up again. That was in 2006, 2 years before the Government provided HIV drugs for free. I was out of work and had to try and find $10 a month to pay for it.

I come from a large family, 6 sisters and 3 brothers, but I lost my parents almost 20 years ago. They have all been extremely supportive emotionally, financially and helping me with a place to stay while I had tests and received treatment.

Long road to survival

I first stayed with one of my sisters in nearby Kitwe. She is a counsellor and she wanted to see I was OK. The medication made me very weak. I was only able to help around the house when I had the energy. By 2009, she moved south to our home town of Luwansha where she opened a guest house. I was strong enough by this time to work with her to help bring in more customers. It was very successful.

A couple of years later, I started bleeding badly from my abdomen. This went on for a whole month. I was given some medicine, which stopped the bleeding, but it started again the next month. I went to see a gynaecologist who sent me for a biopsy.

This is when I was told I had advanced cervical cancer. I was devastated. All I knew was that this disease is incurable. I went home and cried. My sister told me to try and think of it as any other disease which you get help for. This was helpful, as it made me seek treatment.

A private clinic near us said that they had medicine for my cancer. We spent $45 for it, but it made my bleeding much worse. The bleeding was so bad that later that month I collapsed and was rushed to hospital for a blood transfusion. The surgeon was so worried that he referred me to the University Training Hospital in Lusaka.

After more tests the hospital’s gynaecologist told me I should be admitted right away for another biopsy. But the Cancer Diseases Hospital was so busy I had to wait another month before I could be seen, during which time my symptoms were getting worse. I was close to giving up. My aunt really had to motivate me. ‘Be a strong woman’, she said.

When the oncologist saw me, he confirmed I had advanced, stage 4 cervical cancer. He recommended a long course of chemo and radiotherapy. After the second day of radiotherapy the bleeding had stopped and I was already feeling better. I was so relieved that it had started to work.

Unfortunately, within a year they found that the cancer had spread, but additional chemotherapy has controlled this now. I am very grateful because this has all been provided for free through the Cancer Diseases Hospital. They have been very good to me. The support from my family has been incredible.

I now have a future

I now want to help others who are in my position. I want to start a charity so that people know more about cancer. There are 20 of us volunteers already, talking to patients at the hospital and at their homes. I tell them that cancer is curable if you see a doctor early enough. As long as you follow what the doctors say, you can be a survivor like us.

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