In January 2018, under the umbrella of an ongoing technical cooperation (TC) project[1], the IAEA mobilized the efforts of hundreds of teachers and scholastic experts in support of an initiative to develop tools and resources for nuclear education that will reach at least 1,000,000 secondary school students in the Asia and Pacific region. As part of that ongoing initiative, eight experts from seven countries in the region gathered at the IAEA’s Vienna headquarters from 25 to 27 November to devise new strategies to expand, enhance and promote nuclear science and technology in tertiary education.
For an illustration of the impact of the original high school project, see this photo essay.
The contribution of nuclear science to development, improved health and economic prosperity relies on the availability of committed professionals. By encouraging students to recognize the potential of nuclear technologies to transform and enrich the lives of millions, the benefits of the nuclear sector can be maximized. The aim of this initiative is to inspire students at a formative age.
The three-day meeting was organized to develop new strategies that could be deployed to streamline nuclear-focused modules within existing science education programmes.