IAEA Board of Governors Meeting on Iran

A special meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors opens to consider Iran´s nuclear program. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Under the media glare, IAEA Director General briefs the international press. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Iran´s Ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Soltanieh. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/AIEA)Britain, France and Germany requested the special meeting. On Wednesday, 1 February 2006, they tabled a draft resolution for the Agency´s 35 Member Board to consider. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)One big question before the Board is whether to report the Iranian issue to the United Nations Security Council. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Some 250 of the world media are at the IAEA´s Vienna headquarters to report on the outcome. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Mr. Olli Heinonen, Head of the IAEA´s Department of Safeguards, updated Board members on the implementation of safeguards agreements in Iran and the Agency´s verification of the suspension of enrichment related and reprocessing activities. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)The Iranian delegation at the IAEA Board meeting. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA) A cameraman jostles for best position to capture events at a photo opportunity inside the IAEA Board room. The meeting is closed to the press. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)The IAEA is in the media glare for its work as the world´s nuclear inspectorate. Agency inspectors work to verify that safeguarded nuclear material and activities are not used for military purposes. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Dr. ElBaradei tells the press that Iran needs to take "more confidence-building measures" by accelerating its cooperation with the Agency. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Reporters wait outside the IAEA Board room, where the 35-member policymaking body meets at the Agency´s headquarters in Vienna. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Inside the Board room, IAEA Director General ElBaradei (center) is flanked by Mr. Olli Heinonen, Deputy Director General for Safeguards (left), and Japan Ambassador Yukiya Amano, Chairman of the IAEA Board. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Statements made by Board members are collected and distributed inside the meeting room. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)A United Nations Security Officer on duty. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA) Journalists covering the meeting on Iran´s nuclear programme. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Javad Vaidi, Deputy Secretary, Supreme National Security Council addressing the media at a press conference. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Journalists gathered infront of the board room, speaking to Javad Vaidi, Deputy Secretary, Supreme National Security Council. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)A camera from one of the television crews on site at IAEA headquarters for live coverage of the meeting. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)A bustle of microphones from media organizations converging in Vienna to report on the outcome of the IAEA Board Meeting on Iran. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)US Ambassador Gregory Shulte (left) consults with a colleague during today´s Board session. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)Delegates to the 35-member IAEA Board of Governors passed a resolution on Iran at their session today. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)UK Ambassador Peter Redmond Jenkins talks to members of the international press. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)The Russian Ambassador answers questions from the gathered media representatives at the close of the special IAEA Board meeting. (Photo Credit: D. Calma/IAEA)
Last update: 13 November 2014

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