Ministers from 29 countries have confirmed they will attend a two day conference in Paris, March 21-22, "Nuclear Power for the 21st Century", organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency and hosted by the Government of France in cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).
The Ministers, with government officials from an additional 30 countries, will examine the future role of nuclear energy in meeting the energy needs of the world and present their views on the current and future role of nuclear power in the context of national energy strategies.
Discussions at the conference will cover issues such as world energy needs and resources, environmental challenges, energy choices and governance, including compliance with non-proliferation undertakings.
Up until now, countries that have confirmed their participation are: [(*) indicates ministerial level participation and more are expected]:
Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh(*), Belgium(*) Brazil, Bulgaria(*), Canada(*), Chile, China(*),Costa Rica(*), Croatia, Egypt(*), Finland, France(*), Ghana(*), Germany, Holy See, Hungary(*), India(*), Indonesia(*), Islamic Republic of Iran(*), Italy, Japan(*), Jordan, Republic of Korea(*), Latvia(*), Lithuania(*), Malaysia, Mali(*), Republic of Moldova, Morocco (*), Netherlands, Panama, Pakistan(*), Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation(*), Saudi Arabia(*), Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia(*), Slovenia(*), South Africa, Sudan(*), Syrian Arab Republic, Sweden, Tajikistan, Thailand(*), Tunisia, Turkey(*), Ukraine(*), United Kingdom, the United States, Vietnam