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Media Arrangements for the 61st IAEA General Conference

Vienna, Austria

Representatives from the 168 Member States of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will gather at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) on 18 September for the start of the annual five-day IAEA General Conference to discuss major topics on the IAEA’s agenda. It is the 61st such meeting since the IAEA was established in 1957.

This year’s Scientific Forum, to be held on the sidelines of the General Conference on 19 and 20 September, is entitled Nuclear Techniques in Human Health: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment.

All plenary sessions of the General Conference and the Scientific Forum will be open to the media and streamed live on the IAEA website.

Details of the General Conference and the Scientific Forum, including the provisional agenda, are available on the IAEA website.

Most of the main Conference events will take place in the M-Building of the VIC, with the exception of the Scientific Forum, which will take place in Boardroom D of the C-Building.

At the entrance to the M-Building, visiting journalists will find a press counter which will be staffed throughout the week. A media briefing and working area equipped with internet access is also available.


Journalists wishing to cover the event should email M.Gruensteidl@iaea.org or press@iaea.org. Journalists with permanent accreditation to the VIC need no further credentials. However, please register with us for General Conference alerts of press events and to receive any other related information.

Accreditation will be at the Gate 1 entrance to the VIC. All journalists will be required to clear security each day at Gate 1.

Journalists will be required to present a valid press I.D. at the accreditation counter, which will be open from 10:00 to 16:00 on Sunday, 17 September. Journalists can also seek accreditation from 08:00 on Monday, 18 September, but please allow extra time to pass through Gate 1.

Only satellite trucks are allowed to park at the VIC Memorial Plaza. Drivers of satellite trucks should provide advance notice to Michelle Gruensteidl at M.Gruensteidl@iaea.org of their names, affiliations and vehicle license plate numbers.

Last update: 14 February 2018

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