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World Cancer Day 2019 - Programme

1 February 2019, Vienna, Austria

World Cancer Day 2019

Boosting Capacity for Cancer Care

1 February 2019
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

The IAEA World Cancer Day Event takes place on 1 February 2019 in Conference Room C1 (C Building, Second Floor), and the Cafeteria in the Vienna International Centre (VIC).

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Moderator: Ms Najat Mokhtar, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications

10:00-10:30     Opening Session (Live Streaming)

  • Opening remarks by Mr Yukiya Amano, Director General, IAEA (or his representative)

  • Screening of IAEA Video, Exploring Adances in Radiotherapy

  • Dr Mack Roach III, Professor of Radiation Oncology and Urology, Director of the Particle Therapy Research Program and Outreach, Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of California San Francisco, United States of America

    - The Latest Advances in Nuclear and Radiation Medicine (Presentation)

10:30-11:30     Expert Panel Discussion: Boosting Capacity for Cancer Care

The panel discussion will focus on the IAEA’s integrated approach to building capacity around the world.

Invited panellists:

  • Dr Kennedy Lishimpi, Director and National Coordinator Cancer Control Services, Cancer Diseases Hospital, Zambia

    - Zambia and Capacity Building: from Recipient to Contributor (Presentation)
  • Dr Maria Cecilia Atencio Rosselot, Radiation Oncologist, Fundación Escuela Medicina Nuclear, Argentina

    The Impact of the IAEA-supported Master's Degree in Advanced Radiotherapy (Presentation)
  • Dr Ian Donald McLean, Principal Medical Physicist, ACT Health, Canberra Hospital, Australia

    - The Effectiveness of Medical Physics Education and Training in Asia and the Pacific (Presentation)
  • Dr Sergei Nazarenko, Professor at Tallinn University of Technology, Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET, North Estonia Medical Centre, Estonia

    - Cancer Care: A Road to Personalized Medicine, with the Support of the IAEA (Presentation)

11:30-11:45    Conclusions and the Way Forward

  • Ms May Abdel-Wahab, Director, Division of Human Health, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications and Mr Luis Longoria, Acting Director, Division of the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT), Director, Division for Latin America and the Caribbean

12:00-14:00    VIC Cafeteria: Cancer Information Stand by the VIC Medical Services

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