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Technical Cooperation Conference 2017

30 May – 1 June 2017, Vienna, Austria

A number of side events, activities and exhibitions will take place on the margins of the conference:

Indonesian Soybeans: Paving the Way for Micro Enterprises and Social Wellbeing

Tuesday 30 May, 12.30 – 14.00, VIC Rotunda: The Republic of Indonesia will host a ceremony to inaugurate its exhibition booth, which focuses on 'Indonesian Soybeans: Paving the Way for Micro Enterprises and Social Wellbeing', in the VIC rotunda. The Indonesian booth will be inaugurated by HE Ms Puan Maharani, Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. The booth presents the impact of the IAEA’s technical cooperation programme in the field of plant mutation breeding and national capacity building for achieving self-sufficiency in soybean production. A 30 minute traditional Indonesian Kolingtang musical recital will take place, followed by traditional Indonesian cuisine. 

ARCAL: Booth Inauguration

Tuesday, 30 May, 13.15 – 13.30, VIC Rotunda: Inauguration of the stand of the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL). A toast will be offered jointly by the Permanent Mission of Brazil, in its capacity of country presiding the Board of ARCAL Representatives, and by the Permanent Mission of Mexico, in its capacity of country presiding the Board of Technical Coordination of ARCAL.

Cuba: Booth inauguration

Tuesday, 30 May, 15.30 – 16.30, VIC Rotunda: Inauguration of the stand of Cuba which focuses on the impact of the TC Programme in the field of human health. 

Panel Discussion: China's Contribution to the Technical Cooperation Programme

Tuesday 30 May, 18.00 – 20.00, Press Room, M building: China will be hosting a panel discussion on its contribution to the IAEA technical cooperation programme. High level officials and top experts from China together with IAEA technical cooperation staff officers will introduce the audience to the TC programme in China, highlighting specific achievements in nuclear power technology research and development, nuclear applications in agriculture, and human resource training and capacity building. You can find more information here.

The Role of the Private Sector: Partnerships for Development

Wednesday 31 May, 12.30 – 14.00, Board Room A, M Building: The IAEA’s Department of Technical Cooperation will host a round table discussion on ‘The Role of the Private Sector: Partnerships for Development’. This will be an opportunity for Member State delegations and business representatives to discuss the important role of the private sector and social corporate responsibility in contributing to sustainable development. New pathways for enhancing the impact of private sector contributions to the achievement of the SDGs will be discussed, including through innovative forms of public-private partnerships to expand access to nuclear science, technology and innovation.

UAE Youth Circle: Building Youth Technical Capabilities in the Nuclear Field

Wednesday 31 May, 12.30 – 14.00, M01 lounge, M Building: The United Arab Emirates sponsored ‘UAE Youth Circle: Building Youth Technical Capabilities in the Nuclear Field’ will bring together young professionals in the nuclear field to share their views on building technical capabilities in youth, and to discuss the challenges facing young people in the area of nuclear science and applications. Networking opportunities, refreshments and finger food will be provided. You can find more information and register here.

ARASIA: Booth inauguration

Wednesday, 31 May, 13.00 – 13.30, VIC Rotunda: Inauguration of the stand of the Cooperative Agreement for Arab States in Asia for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (ARASIA). This exhibition focuses on ARASIA's cooperation with the TC Programme with a view to supporting sustainable socioeconomic development in various fields.  


Enjeux francophones de la coopération technique

Wednesday 31 May, 13.00 – 14.00, M3, M Building: Organisé par le Groupe des ambassadeurs francophones, cet évènement a vocation à réunir les délégations, experts et points de contacts francophones participant à cette Conférence pour échanger sur le rôle du multilinguisme dans la promotion des usages pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire. Ce sera l'occasion d'aborder diverses questions relatives à la dimension linguistique de la coopération technique, d'identifier les freins existants, les solutions pour les lever et, plus largement, les besoins communs des Etats francophones en matière de coopération technique. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.

Argentina: Booth inauguration

Wednesday, 31 May, 15.30, VIC Rotunda: Inauguration of the stand of Argentina. This exhibition focuses on Argentina's cooperation with the TC Programme with a view to supporting sustainable development and the nuclear infrastructure.

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