Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology: Addressing Current and Emerging Development Challenges
28–30 November 2018, Vienna, Austria
The IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology: Addressing Current and Emerging Development Challenges, which will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 28 to 30 November 2018, seeks to facilitate high-level dialogue among participants on nuclear science, technology and applications for peaceful uses, and on their delivery to Member States, mainly through the Agency's technical cooperation programme, while highlighting their future contribution to sustainable development.
Atoms for Life: Tackling Global Challenges with Nuclear Science
Nuclear scientists are developing cutting-edge tools that will help governments address our 21st century challenges, and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This video examines five examples of innovative nuclear applications in healthcare, agriculture, industry, water security and ocean research, and reveals the potential solutions nuclear science can offer the world.
The Conference will also provide an opportunity to consider high-impact innovations that can be integrated into the national strategies of Member States for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Conference will consist of a ministerial segment, during which ministers will have the opportunity to share their national experiences, and a scientific and technical segment composed of high-level panel discussions involving ministers, policy makers, scientists, technical experts and entrepreneurs.
To demonstrate its commitment to sustainability, the IAEA will organize this conference as a 'green meeting' according to the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel. This means that the IAEA will keep the ecological impact of the Conference as low as possible. The Vienna International Centre is already a workplace that is powered by carbon neutral electricity from 100% renewable sources. There will be a focus on the areas of paper smart documentation, waste reduction and recycling, and environmentally friendly catering.
The IAEA as organizer will contribute to making the Conference a Green Meeting. Delegates can have a role in this endeavour and are encouraged to choose environmentally friendly options when planning their participation. Small actions can make a big difference: choosing environmentally certified accommodation, giving feedback via the IAEA Conference and Meetings app, sorting waste for recycling, and returning name badges - these will all help to reduce the environmental impact. Information on how to effectively contribute to climate protection, both locally and globally can be found here.
Vienna has an efficient network of public transport - buses, trains, trams and underground lines - that covers most of the city. The IAEA encourages participants to make full use of these greener modes of transportation.
Conference app
The IAEA Conferences and Meetings App provides a one-stop access to information on the Conference and exhibitions. The app also allows users to put together their own personalized schedule of events. Via this app participants will be able to view contributed papers and the latest conference programme, message other participants, and view PowerPoint presentations released after the event. Participants will receive an email inviting them to register for the app approximately one week before the conference.
For iPhone or iPad users, get your free download through the Apple iTunes Store; those with Android devices can visit the Google Play Store.
Live streaming
All sessions will be streamed live. A link to the video streaming service will be provided on the opening day.