Day 4
29 May 2014
Highlights of Day 3 / Looking at Day 4
Session 7
- Developing food supplements for moderately malnourished children: lessons learnt from ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) - André Briend
- New formulations of ready-to-use foods - Peter Akomo and Filippo Dibari
- Recent Experiencesin the Development of Locally-Produced Ready-to-Use Foods - Kelsey Ryan, Mark Manary
- WFP experience with setting-up local production of LNS at scale - Saskia de Pee
- Maximizing Potential for Impact: Measuring and Addressing Issues of Supplement Sharing and Diversion in MAM Programs - Beatrice Lorge Rogers
- Reflections on Presentations - Michael_Golden (No Link)
- Development and Acceptability Testing of Ready-to-Use-Supplementary Food (RUSF) for children in Bangladesh - M Munirul Islam
- PlumpyField- Network of local producers of ready-to-use foods -Hilina_Belete