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IPET 2015

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

International Conference on Clinical PET-CT and Molecular Imaging (IPET 2015)

International Conference on Clinical PET-CT and Molecular Imaging (IPET 2015): PET-CT in the era of multimodality imaging and image-guided therapy

Please note that only presentations that have been approved for sharing by their originators are available online.

Plenary Session VII

Hybrid Imaging and Other Imaging Techniques in Lymphoma

09.00 – 09.25

PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma Ora Israel, Israel

09.25 – 09.50

Other Imaging Modalities in Lymphoma Rathan Subramaniam, ACNM, USA

09.50 – 10.15

Read with the Expert: PET/CT, Lymphoma Marc Seltzer, USA

10.15 – 10.40

Radiolabeled Peptides For Imaging - What We Need to Know Julie Sutcliffe, SRS

10.40 – 11.00

Coffee Break, Poster and Exhibits Viewing

Plenary Session VIII

Hybrid Imaging and Other Imaging Techniques in Prostate Cancer

11.00 – 11.30

PET/CT Imaging in Prostate Cancer Stefano Fanti, EANM

11.30 – 12.00

Other Imaging Modalities in Prostate Cancer Frederik Giesel, ESR

12.00 – 12.30

Zirconium 89 and Associated Radiopharmaceuticals Jason S. Lewis, WMIS

12.30 – 13.00

Read with the Expert: PET/CT, Prostate Cancer Stefano Fanti, EANM

13.00 – 14.00

Lunch Break

Plenary Session IX

Hybrid Imaging and Other Imaging Techniques in CNS Conditions

14.00 – 14.20

Radiopharmaceuticals in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders Emilija Janevik-Ivanovska, SRS

14.20 – 14.45

PET/CT Imaging in CNS Conditions Andrew Scott, WFNMB

14.45 – 15.10

Read with the Expert: PET/CT in CNS Conditions Andrew Scott, WFNMB

15.10 – 15.35

Other Imaging Modalities in CNS Conditions Paul Parizel, ESR

15.35 – 16.00

Read with the Expert: Other Imaging Modalities in CNS Conditions Paul Parizel, ESR

Poster Review Session III

16.00 – 17.00

Meet-the-Authors: Poster Review Thomas Pascual, IAEA


  • Helen Nadel, Canada
  • Murat Fani Bozkurt, EANM
  • Stefano Fanti, EANM
  • Frederik Giesel, ESR
  • Akram Al-Ibraheem, ARSNM
  • Andrew Scott, WFNMB
  • Mike Sathekge, ISORBE
  • Jun Hatazawa, ARCCNM
  • Marc Seltzer, USA

Plenary Session X

Radionuclide Therapies

17.00 – 17.20

Radionuclide Therapy of Prostate Cancer Hossein Jadvar, SNMMI

17.20 – 17.40

Role of Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapies Carlo Chiesa, Italy

17.40 – 18.00

Safe Handling of Alpha Particle Emitting Pharmaceutical during Treatment of Bone Metastasis Juergen Gay, Germany

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