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Training on International Reporting Systems for National Coordinators

22 – 26 Jul 2024
Vienna, Austria
Event code: EVT2302376


The International Reporting System for Operating Experience (IRS), operated jointly by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA), compiles and analyses information on nuclear power plant (NPP) events and promotes a systematic approach to the feedback of lessons learned from operating experience.

This training is conducted within the framework of the relevant IAEA and OECD/NEA programmes to ensure that the IRS can be used effectively and efficiently by IRS National Coordinators.


The objective of the training is to provide the IRS National Coordinators information and exercises to better utilize the IRS effectively and efficiently. This will increase the information exchange between member states and contribute to the safe operation of NPPs. The course will cover the following topics:

  1. IAEA Standards associated with IRS
  2. IRS Background and History
  3. Selection of National Events for reporting to the IRS
  4. Preparation of IRS reports
  5. IRS for Nuclear Installations
    • introduction and overview to the 2023 updated system
    • how to use the system
  6. IRS Coding
  7. IRS Reporting Status and Current IRS Publications

Target Audience

The meeting is intended for IRS National Coordinators.


In order to be designated by an IAEA Member State, participants are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) to their competent national authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA or National Atomic Energy Authority) for onward transmission to the IAEA by 13 May 2024. Participants who are members of an organization invited to attend are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) through their organization to the IAEA by the above deadline.


The event will be held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) where the IAEA’s Headquarters are located. Participants must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

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