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Technical Meeting on Equipment Reliability Programme in Nuclear Power Plants: Guidelines, Good Practices and Lessons Learned

10 – 13 Sep 2024
Shanghai, China
Event code: EVT2205161


Good performance in Equipment Reliability is known to be absolutely required for high plant availability and thus cost effective, safe and, secure operations of Nuclear Power Plants. To achieve this, well-established models of processes and topical programmes for improving Equipment Reliability have been implemented in the nuclear power industrial sector for decades, as well as forums where operators and technical support organizations share emerging challenges. However, the key lessons learned from the implementation of those models and topical programmes are not always accessible to Member States.


The objectives of the event are to:

  • Collect and share experience, challenges and, lessons learned related to the implementation of an Equipment Reliability Programme, using the six specific process blocks set out in WANO Guideline GL 2018-02 as a common technical basis for describing an Equipment Reliability Programme.
  • Collect and share country’s and owner-operators’ case studies on how the Equipment Reliability Programme is integrated within the broader organisational structure and, on which and how many items of equipment (single points of vulnerability, critical components) are covered with which techniques for PWRs incl. WWERs, BWRs and, PHWRs, with emphasis given to the use of advance monitoring techniques and innovative equipment behaviour prediction tools implementing WANO Guideline GL 2019-01.
  • Discuss and review the draft publication provisionally entitled ‘Equipment Reliability Programme in Nuclear Power Plants: Guidelines, Good Practices and Lessons Learned’, and to gather comments from Member States and modify the draft accordingly.

Target Audience

Experts from nuclear power plants with PWR incl. WWER, BWR and PHWR, technical support organisations, research and development organisations and, manufacturers.

Expected Outputs

  • Shared presentation materials on country’s and owner-operators’ case studies as suggested in section ‘Objectives’ above.
  • Revised draft IAEA TECDOC publication that considers comments and, includes suggested technical conclusions and, recommendations drawn at the event.

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