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Technical Meeting on Computer Security Regulations in Nuclear Security

30 May – 3 Jun 2022
Berlin, Germany
Event code: EVT2102758


Computer security continues to grow in importance as a component of nuclear security as computer-based systems are integrated in nuclear safety, nuclear security, and operational aspects of nuclear and other radioactive material facilities and operations. The increasing computer security threats to the nuclear industry, necessitates the development and implementation of regulations at State level, in order to ensure the protection of nuclear information and computer-based systems used for operations, and in order to maintain the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information for nuclear facilities and materials.

The focus of this Technical meeting is on the need for computer security strategies, legislation, and regulations to implement computer security controls to protect nuclear installations, material and critical functions including inspection programs to validate computer security within nuclear security regimes.


The objective of the event is to serve as a forum for enhancing interaction and information exchange among international experts for computer security regulations and inspection programmes for nuclear security. The meeting will allow for sharing strategies, practices, needs, and lessons learned on implementing computer security regulations to address computer security as an integral part of nuclear security.


The event programme will consist of Plenary Sessions dedicated to invited speakers related to Computer Security Regulations and Inspections, Working Group Sessions dedicated to presentations by participants who have submitted an abstract related to the three working group sessions, and Technical Workshops on Computer Security Strategy, Computer Security Regulations, Implementation of Computer Security Regulations, and an Open Forum for approved participants topics of interest.

The plenary sessions will cover the following thematic areas:

  • Initial Development and Implementation of State Computer Security Strategies and Associated Regulatory Frameworks
  • Technical Considerations for Computer Security Regulations
  • Progressive Approaches to Enacting Computer Security Regulations
  • Implementing and Sustaining Inspection Programmes for Computer Security Regulations

The working group sessions will cover some of the following topics:

The IAEA encourages participants to give presentations on the work of their respective institutions that falls under the working group sessions topics listed above.

The participants have to submit the abstract together with the Participation Form (Form A) and the Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) to their competent national authority or their organization for onward transmission to the IAEA not later than 22 March 2022.

Participation and Registration

All persons wishing to participate in the event have to be designated by an IAEA Member State or should be members of organizations that have been invited to attend.

In order to be designated by an IAEA Member State, participants are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) to their competent national authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA or National Atomic Energy Authority) for onward transmission to the IAEA by 22 March 2022. Participants who are members of an organization invited to attend are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) through their organization to the IAEA by above deadline.

Selected participants will be informed in due course on the procedures to be followed with regard to administrative and financial matters.

Participants are hereby informed that the personal data they submit will be processed in line with the Agency’s Personal Data and Privacy Policy and is collected solely for the purpose(s) of reviewing and assessing the application and to complete logistical arrangements where required. Further information can be found in the Data Processing Notice concerning IAEA InTouch+ platform.

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