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Technical Meeting on International Safeguards in the Design of Radioactive Waste Management Programmes

21 – 25 Mar 2022
Vienna, Austria
Event code: EVT1904461

To better assist the States as they plan for and implement waste management programs, it is necessary to have general information on how safeguards are applied to waste materials, facilities, and packages. Under a comprehensive safeguards agreement (CSA), States agree to safeguards on all source or special fissionable materials within their jurisdiction in all peaceful nuclear activities. However, how this applies to radioactive waste materials, the practicalities of the agreement can often be confusing and difficult to interpret. To address this need, the Agency is drafting a new guidance document in the Nuclear Energy Series entitled 'International Safeguards in the Design of Facilities for Radioactive Waste Management'. This document will be a part of the Safeguards by Design Guidance subseries that serves to give an overview of the safeguards obligations and concepts that are important at the back end of the fuel cycle. This technical meeting is specifically focused on all wastes containing or contaminated by nuclear material other than spent fuel declared as waste, which is covered in an existing NE Series document.

This information is important to any State that is starting, reviewing, or expanding a radioactive waste program, as safeguards obligations can be associated with a variety of materials. In addition, with the increase in the number of active and planned decommissioning projects world-wide, it is timely to provide concise and clear guidance to States to prepare them for future discussions with their national regulatory bodies and the IAEA Department of Safeguards. States have asked for information on how safeguards are applied to waste materials, facilities and packages. This publication would provide an accurate and consolidated basis for the responses to these requests.

In general, radioactive waste management represents one of the most important applications of Safeguards by Design (SBD) principles due to:

  • Large volumes, and therefore a large potential multiplier to any additional burden introduced by unexpected safeguards obligations.
  • The potential for large volumes of contaminated material from decommissioning projects, which are increasing around the world.
  • Correction of the widespread perception that low-level radioactive waste material is not of safeguards interest to the IAEA.
  • The inherent difficulty – and therefore high cost-benefit ratio – of characterizing this material in many cases, and the corresponding difficulty for the Agency during verification.
  • The involvement of private subcontractor/operators, often with a lower awareness of the needs of safeguards.

This event is intended for all States that have radioactive waste management programs or are developing programs. Of particular interest are radioactive waste professionals that have had interactions with their State's safeguards program and/or the Agency's department of safeguards, OR professionals in the state regulatory or safeguards program responsible for waste management facilities. The participants should have sound knowledge and experience in either radioactive waste management, international nuclear safeguards, or both


The purpose of the event is to review the draft Nuclear Energy Series publication provisionally entitled “International Safeguards in the Design of Radioactive Waste Management Programmes”. The event will serve as a forum to review the main text of the publication, to contribute to and review the technical examples related to Member States’ experience, and to collect national perspectives on this topic.

This meeting will serve, primarily, to:

  1. review and assent to the prepared text, including the prepared technical examples;
  2. identify any weak points or gaps and draft resolution and approval plans for them;
  3. to have discussions on particular focus areas where waste management realities and safeguards obligations intersect; and
  4. and to gather up-to-date media (pictures, diagrams, etc.) on safeguards as applied to waste facilities and waste packages.


  • Incorporation of Safeguards by Design philosophies into waste management practices
  • Inclusion of waste storage facilities in the document structure
  • Termination of safeguards
  • Safeguards applied to very dilute wastes
  • Use of retained waste inventories
  • Current verification measures for waste facilities

Past Events

A series of consultancy meetings have been held that have generated the current document draft. This document has been drafted in consultation with the Department of Safeguards as incorporating safeguards considerations at the design stage for waste facilities (and the packages they produce) will result in a more complete process that reduces the chances that unexpected issues will arise later.

  • The first meeting was held from July 6 through October 9, 2020. Nine member states participated in this virtual kick-off event that was held over an extended time period to allow for participation from multiple time zones around the world. The first rough draft of the document was produced during this meeting
  • The second meeting was held from May 10 through May 28, 2021. Another nine member states participated in this meeting which was held to create and shape a collection of “Technical Examples” – realistic, but fictional, case studies to illustrate various Safeguards by Design concepts as they pertain to waste packages and facilities.

Participation and Registration

All persons wishing to participate in the event have to be designated by an IAEA Member State or should be members of organizations that have been invited to attend.

In order to be designated by an IAEA Member State, participants are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) to their competent national authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA or National Atomic Energy Authority) for onward transmission to the IAEA by 11 February 2022. Participants who are members of an organization invited to attend are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) through their organization to the IAEA by the above deadline.

Selected participants will be informed in due course on the procedures to be followed with regard to administrative and financial matters.

Participants are hereby informed that the personal data they submit will be processed in line with the Agency’s Personal Data and Privacy Policy and is collected solely for the purpose(s) of reviewing and assessing the application and to complete logistical arrangements where required. Further information can be found in the Data Processing Notice concerning IAEA InTouch+ platform.

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