proyectos de cooperación técnica

Establishing a Radiotherapy Centre — Phase II

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: SIL6009 ¦ New

Strengthening the Capacities and Quality of Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: VEN6021 ¦ New

Improving Radiation Safety in IAEA-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Member States (ARCAL)

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: RLA9094 ¦ New

Improving Feeding Low Protein Diets in Dairy Cows Using Stable Isotope Labelled Techniques

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: CPR5029 ¦ New

Updating a Strategic Plan for the First Egyptian Research Reactor (ETRR-1)

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: EGY1029 ¦ New

Improving Capacity for the Design of Reactor Control, Protection, and Monitoring Systems

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: IRA2018 ¦ New

Establishing Radiotherapy Treatment for Cancer Patients at the DJIRI General Hospital in Brazzaville — Phase I

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: PRC6004 ¦ New

Strengthening Capacities for the Detection and Control of Contaminants and Residues in Food

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: MHL5004 ¦ New


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