proyectos de cooperación técnica – Asia and the Pacific
Expanding Radiotherapy Services for the Treatment of Cancer Patients
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: MYA6037 ¦ NewStrengthening Quality and Safety of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Services for Improved Cancer Management — Phase III
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: UAE6011 ¦ NewStrengthening National Infrastructures and Capabilities of Radiation Technologies and Advanced Polymeric Material using Radiation Processing Technology
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: MAL1019 ¦ NewStrengthening National Capacities for the Safe Operation of the New Miniature Neutron Source Reactor
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: THA1017 ¦ NewStrengthening the Regulatory Infrastructure for Radiation Safety
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: OMA9008 ¦ NewEnhancing Nuclear Research Capabilities through the Development of the Philippine Research Reactor-1 Training, Research, Isotopes, and General Atomics Fueled Accelerator Driven Subcritical Assembly for Training, Education, and Research
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: PHI1023 ¦ NewEnhancing Crop Production under Changing Climatic Conditions through Resilient Crop Varieties and Sustainable Land Use Management Using Nuclear Techniques
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: BGD5036 ¦ NewEnhancing Regulatory Infrastructure for Medical and Industrial Facilities — Phase II
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: VIE9022 ¦ NewStrengthening National Infrastructure to Control Contaminants and Other Residues in Food — Phase I
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: PAP5005 ¦ NewUsing Field Application of the Sterile Insect Technique in a Pre-Operational Trial for the Control of Dengue and Evaluating the Feasibility of the Application of the Sterile Insect Technique for the Control of Melon Fruit Flies
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2024 ¦ Code: SRL5054 ¦ New- ‹ anterior
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