2025 Official Visits to the Director General and the IAEA

Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director General and Mr. Manuel Otero, Director General IICA, sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the International Atomic Energy Agency and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture on Cooperation in the Area of Food and Agriculture through the Atoms4Food Initiative at the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 13 January 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director General, met with HE Ms. Laura S. H. Holgate, Resident Representative of the United States of America to the IAEA, during the ambassador’s farewell courtesy visit to the Director-General at the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 13 January 2025Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Ambassador Harold Adlai Agyeman, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Chair-Designate, 3rd NPT Prep Com, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 15 January 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Ambassador Gregor Kössler, Head of the Political Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 20 January 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Attilio Fontana, President of the Italian Lombardi Region, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 24 January 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Senator the Honourable Penny Wong, Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 24 January 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Eric Brewer, Deputy Vice President, Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 27 January 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Mark Nelson, Managing Director Radiant Energy Group, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 10 February 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Katharina Stasch, new Director for International Order, Arms Control and the United Nations, Federal Foreign Office Berlin, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 21 February 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with HE Mr. Carlos Guevara Mann, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation of Panama, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 21 February 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Hon. Seedy SK Njie, Deputy Speaker and Head of the Gambian Delegation, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 26 February 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Germán Guido Lavalle, President of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA) as they sign the amendment for inclusion of Garrahan Paediatric Hospital to the Argentinian Anchor Centre consortium during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 4 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Patrick Fragman, President and CEO and Dan Summer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Westinghouse Electric Company, during their official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 5 March 2025Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Azim Akhmedkhadjaev, Director, Atomic Energy Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 5 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with HE Mr. German Galuschenko, Minister of Energy of Ukraine, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 6 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, and Ambassador Gonzalo Gutierrez Reinel, Secretary General Andean Community (Communidad Andina) signs the Memorandum of Understanding between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) on Cooperation in the Area of the Peaceful Application of Nuclear Technology at the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 10 March 2025. Ministers present at the signing event are HE Ms. Laura Camila Sarabia Torres, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia, HE Ms. Gabriela Sommerfeld, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of the Republic of Ecuador and HE Ms. María Eugenia Echeverría Herrera, Resident Representative of the Republic of Peru.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General met with Dr. Geoffrey Shaw, Director General, Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (ASNO) during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 10 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with HE Mr. David Choquehuanca Céspedes, Vice President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 10 March 2020.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with HE Ms. Laura Sarabia Torres, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, during her official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 10 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with HE Ms. Gabriela Sommerfeld, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador, during her official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 10 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with HE Mr. Nikolaos Georgios Dendias, Minister of National Defense of Greece, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 14 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with H.E. Mr. Kazem Gharib Abadi, Deputy FM for Legal and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 17 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Marc Kenzelmann, Director General, Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 17 March 2025.Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director-General, met with Oleh Korikov, State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), during his official visit to the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 26 March 2025.HE Mr. Juan Francisco Facetti, Resident Representative of Paraguay to the IAEA presents a gift from Dr. Zully Vera, Reactor of the National University of Asuncion, in follow-up to the DG’s visit to Paraguay, during his official meeting with the IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi at the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria. 27 March 2025.
Last update: 27 March 2025

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