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Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Programmes: Capacity Building and Sustaining Capacity

9 May 2014
The nuclear field relies heavily on competent, specialized, highly trained and motivated managers and personnel for its safety, sustainability and high levels of performance. The IAEA helps Member States develop the required human resources to support operating, new and expanding nuclear power programmes, and organizes numerous capacity building and training events each year.
(Photo: K.S. Kang/IAEA)IAEA staff and members of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission discusss the human resource development strategy and plan for the establishment of the Roppour Nuclear Power Plant at a workforce planning meeting held in Bangladesh on March 2013.
(Photo: BAEC)A team-building exercise at an <em>IAEA Training Course on Management Systems and Safety Culture</em> held at - and in collaboration with - the Argonne National Laboratory, USA, in September 2013.
The IAEA provides training with special emphasis on safety and security, offering guidance and tools to assist key personnel develop the necessary managerial and technical framework to address various infrastructure issues.
(Photo: J. Roeschlova/IAEA)The IAEA puts special emphasis on management and leadership in new nuclear power programmes.
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A mentoring course on <em>Providing Decision Support for Nuclear Power Planning and Development</em>, held in Japan in July 2013, provided prospective leaders of nuclear power programmes in Member States with an overall understanding of what is needed to establish and maintain a safe, secure and sustainable nuclear power programme.
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(Photo:  M. Yagi/IAEA)A wide range of IAEA activities are held to support Member States in acquiring competent staff for various organizational functions and for various phases of the nuclear facility life cycle. Among them are the IAEA Nuclear Energy Management (NEM) Schools  and Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM) Schools.
Here participants attend a training session at the Texas A&M Nuclear Science Laboratory during a NEM School held in the USA in March 2013.Since 2004, the IAEA and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) have jointly organized an annual Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM) School in Trieste, Italy.
The NKM School is directed at young professionals from the nuclear field who are or may be in charge of managing nuclear knowledge in their national nuclear power programmes in the future.
(Photo: T. Karseka/IAEA)A graduation ceremony at the 2013 NEM School, Trieste, Italy.<br><br>
Education and training are important measures to achieve and maintain the required competences of various categories of nuclear facility personnel. Participants in each NEM School interact and learn from some of the best specialists in the nuclear industry and the IAEA. Schools can be tailored to a country's needs and have been held at ICTP, Italy, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and the USA.Workshop participants in Indonesia in 2013 receive guidance on using the SARCoN tool. SARCoN stands for a Systematic Assessment of Regulatory Competence Needs for Regulatory Bodies of Nuclear Facilities. Through such tools, the IAEA helps provide a framework for regulatory bodies to manage training and development of the competences required of its regulatory professionals.Training participants receive hands-on instruction on monitoring during a nuclear or radiological emergency at the IAEA RANET Capacity Building Centre in Fukushima, Japan, October 2013.
The IAEA provides both hands-on training and train-the-trainers (TTT) instruction to Member States' representatives, empowering participants to implement IAEA training materials in their respective countries.The <em>IAEA Nuclear Security Plan</em> provides the basis for a comprehensive training programme tailored to deliver best practices within an international context.A <em>Technical Meeting on the IAEA Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN)/International Regulatory Network</em> held in Vienna, June 2013.
GNSSN serves as the "worldwide gateway" for sharing nuclear safety and security knowledge, training, expertise and services to facilitate capacity building among Member States. It also coordinates the activities of more than 18 nuclear safety and security networks/fora, regional safety networks and national safety portals, and offers several regulatory portals.To implement a common action plan and enhance cooperation for nuclear education at the regional and global levels, representatives of the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT), African Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA-NEST), Latin-American Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (LANENT) and the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) signed a cooperation agreement during the <em>57th IAEA General Conference</em> in September 2013."Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to get this systematic vision about the nuclear energy sector. Now I clearly understand where I can find specific objective information needed for my work."
<em>-- Nina Ivanova, Bulgaria (NEM School 2013, Trieste, Italy)</em>
"For me, the School was the knowledge provider for my work in the future. Also I am glad to have the experience of different people from different backgrounds working together on common tasks."
<em>-- Velislava Zhivkova, Russia (NEM School 2013, Trieste, Italy)</em>
"A School of this kind is very useful for our country because the number of experts in this field is very low, and such comprehensive view on nuclear energy has to be covered and understood. The lecturers of the School have a lot of experience in the field of nuclear energy. Most of them have been working at top managerial positions and we could learn from their management skills."
<em>-- Igor Ilijovski, Macedonia (NEM School 2013, Trieste, Italy)</em>
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