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Fellowship and Scientific Visits

Professionals gaining practical international work experience in development

The Fellowship and Scientific Visits through the IAEA's Technical Cooperation Programme provide professionals with an opportunity to gain practical international work experience in nuclear technology and applications or in technical cooperation. Applications for these positions must be submitted to the IAEA through governmental channels.


Fellowships can be awarded as part of a technical cooperation project or on an individual basis as a direct contribution to the manpower development of the country's atomic energy programme. They provide opportunities for the training of the necessary personnel to undertake the development of atomic energy applications for peaceful purposes in their own countries.

Fellowships are normally awarded for periods of up to one year, and in certain cases extensions for further periods may be considered. These fellowships are available to university graduates or their equivalent and to individuals at technician level in the requested field, mainly through project-oriented on-the-job training.

Subject to the availability of funds and/or suitable training opportunities, candidates are selected on the basis of educational and professional qualifications, the needs of the Member State concerned, the number of fellowships previously awarded to that State and the language proficiency of the nominee.

Scientific Visits

Scientific Visits are awarded to senior staff for the purpose of studying the development of nuclear science and technology, organizational aspects and functioning of special services, training programmes and schools in nuclear science, and observing research activities. These awards are intended to broaden the scientific or managerial qualifications of specialists in developing countries and for a duration not exceeding two weeks. 

For more information and application instructions, see Technical Cooperation Programme: How to take part as a Fellow or Scientific Visitor →

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