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Oceans are life. They contain half of the oxygen we breathe and much of the protein that we consume. Read more →
Scientists from all over the African continent convened in Monrovia, Liberia, during a side event at the Blue Oceans Conference at the end of March to discuss how to tackle ocean acidification. Read more →
In the face of climate change and increased industrial activity, scientists in Kuwait are using nuclear science to address challenges to the marine environment, with the assistance of the IAEA. Read more →
The sea is Kuwait’s lifeline. The marine environment laboratory of the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR) conducts a number of experiments on pollutants and contaminants using nuclear and isotopic techniques. Read more →
Clams and other molluscs are under threat. As oceans gradually acidify due to rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, some of these marine organisms will find it harder to build their shells or skeletons. This is bad news not only for the organisms themselves, but also for the people who rely on them. Read more →