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NORM X Symposium Programme

As promised by the IAEA during the closing session, all Symposium presentations are now available for downloads at ORPNET. Please register for the IAEA ORPNET to be kept up to date.

The symposium was held from 9-13, May 2022 in Ultrecht, the Netherlands. The theme of the symposium was 25 years of NORM Symposia - Future: residues applied in a circular economy.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Opening of the NORM X Symposium

Session Chair: Jan van der Steen, President NORM X Symposium
Session Co-Chair: Leo van Velzen, Vice President NORM X Symposium

Session 1: Welcome Presentations

  • J. Van der Steen (President NORM X Symposium) 
  • A. van Bolhuis (Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection - ANVS, Netherlands) 
  • M. Pinak (International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA, Austria) 
  • C. Leijen (Dutch Society for Radiation Protection - NVS, Netherlands) 
  • S. Mundigl (European Commisssion - EC, Belgium) 
  • A. Canoba (International Commission on Radiological Protection - ICRP)
  • B. Batandjieva-Metcalf (UNSCEAR Secretary)
  • R. Wiegers (European NORM Association - ENA, Netherlands)
  • R. McBurney (Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors' Inc. CRCPD, USA)
  • T. Perko (SHARE/RICOMET,​​ Belgium)

Session 2: 25 Years of NORM Regulations

Session 3: NORM Sampling & Metrology (1)

Session 4: Environmental Aspects of NORM

Session 5: Management of residues and the occupational radiation protection of workers in the geothermal and water supply and treatment industry

Session 6: Transport of NORM and its challenges

Session 7: Radon & Thoron - Protection of workers, public and environment

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Session 8: IAEA Environet Project

Session 9: SHARE/Ricomet - Opening Session and Nuclear Reactors in armed conflicts

  • Susan Molyneux-Hodgson, Chair of the SHARE platform (University of Exeter , United Kingdom): Opening presentation
  • Miroslav Gregoric (Consultant, Slovenia): Nuclear reactors in armed conflicts
  • Sergii Mirnyi (Chornobyl University, Ukraine): Nuclear facilities in military conflict: The case of war in Ukraine-2022
  • Joke Kenens (Belgian Nuclear Research Center, Belgium): Passing on Fukushima memories and realities - "Life after Fukushima" teaching materials

Moderated by Chair and Co-Chair: Discussion- What can the research response be?

Session 10: ENA - Opening Session and current and future challenges in the Oil and Gas production and geothermal industry

Session 11: IAEA Environet NORM Project (Continued)

Session 12: SHARE/Ricomet - Societal aspects of Radon and NORM

Session 13: ENA - Current and future challenges in the oil and gas production and geothermal industry (Continued)

Session 14: Research and Development - Embedding NORM in a Circular Economy

Session 15: SHARE/Ricomet - Societal aspects of Radon and NORM (Continue)

Session 16: ENA - Environmental impacts associated with NORM 

Session 17: NORM Sampling & Metrology (2) 

Session 18: IAEA Environet NORM Project (Continued)

Session 19: ENA - NORM Residue and Waste Management

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Session 20: SHARE/Ricomet - Introduction to societal challenges in decommissioning projects

Session 21: ENA - Experiences and challenges in protection of workers, public and environment

Session 22: SHARE/Ricomet - Practical experiences from communication and stakeholder engagement in decommissioning from different countries

Session 23: ENA - Experiences and challenges in protection of workers, public and environment (Continued)

Session 24: SHARE/Ricomet - Participatory workshop on challenges for communication and stakeholder engagement in decommissioning of nuclear facilities from different countries

Moderator: Tanja Perko, (SCK CEN, Belgium): Panel discussion- Lessons learned or to be learned from practical experiences in communicating decommissioning projects and engaging with stakeholders: Dialogue with panelists and participants

Work in groups, moderated by Social Scientists and Humanities researchers: Workshop part 1- Participatory workshop to recognize challenges and good practices for communication and stakeholder involvement with focus on internal communication; External communication and local stakeholders

Panel Session, panelists: reporters from the groups

Session 25: ENA - RADONORM

Panel name:  Workshop to discuss the RADONORM survey results within the ENA members (open for all NORM X attendees)
     Moderator: Boguslaw Michalik (GIG, Poland)
     Panellists: Laura Urso (BFS, Germany) & Jelena Mrdakovic-Popic (DSA, Norway)

WG meetings

Session 26: SHARE/Ricomet - Participatory workshop to develop recommendations for communication and stakeholder engagement in decommissioning of nuclear facilities

Workshop part 2: Participatory workshop to develop recommendations on how to communicate and engage with stakeholders before and during decommissioning projects - Moderators: SSH researchers   

Panel Session, panelists: reporters from the groups and way forward, moderated by Robbe Geysmans (SCK CEN, Belgium)

Session 27: ENA - Events, WG-meetings, and Annual Meeting

ENA Annual Meeting

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Session 28: NORM Sampling and Metrology (3)

Session 29: SHARE/Ricomet - Social Science and humanitites in ionizing radiation research

Session 30: ENA - Current and future challenges on communication of risks, recycling, revalorization of residues and coordinated EU R&D approaches

Session 31: Industry - Challenges and experiences in operational practices in non-uranium and REE-mining

Session 32: SHARE/Ricomet - Social science and humanities in ionizing radiation research (continued)

Session 33: ENA - New Initiatives on the exchange of information on NORM and ideas on NORM management through a social lens

Session 34: Future - NORM Residues applied in a circular economy

  • Meritxell Martell (Merience, Spain): Evaluation of the contribution of citizen science projects to radon research
  • Caroline Schieber (CEPN, France): New Citizen Science Projects to Stimulate Radon Remediation
  • Ana Rita Melo (CFisUC, Portugal): Radiation risk perception during uranium mining, decommissioning and remediation: the case study of Urgeiriça
  • Julian Hilton (Aleff Group):​ Revaluing NORM Residues - The circular Economy Dividend
  • Analia Canoba (ICRP, Argentina): Challenges to face for some countries to implement a circular economy 

Session 35: SHARE/Ricomet - Social Science and Humanities in ionizing radiation research and poster pitches

Poster Pitches​

Session 36: Panel - Protection of workers, public, and environment

Topic to discuss: Future: How to deal and to solve the challenges in protecting workers, public and environment in a Circular Economy with materials containing elevated levels of NORM in a sustainable way?

Moderator: Analia Canoba (ICRP, [ARN] Argentina)


Session 37: Panel - Residues Management 

Topic to discuss: Future: What are eventual solutions in order to avoid / to minimize “residue's management"  in a Circular Economy"?

Moderator: Julian Hilton


Session 38: Panel - Mining, decommissioning and remediation 

Topic to discuss: Future: The new normal “a Circular Economy" for sustainable mining, decommissioning and remediation. How to reach?

Moderator: Christian Kunze (IAF-Radioökologie, Germany)


Friday, 13 May 2022

Session 39: "Highlighting presentations" 

Session 40: Closing Session

Session Chair: Jan van der Steen, President NORM X Symposium
Session Co-Chair: Leo van Velzen, Vice President NORM X Symposium

Conclusions and recommendations:

  • Kelly Jones (HSA, United Kingdom)
  • Burçin Okyar (IAEA, Austria)

Announcement NORM XI:

Closing remarks from:

Closing of the NORM X Symposium:

  • Jan van der Steen, (President NORM X Symposium)​

Refresher Courses


Stay in touch
