Learning and training

The IAEA offers a wide spectrum of learning and training activities, as well as educational resources and capacity-building programmes. These include face-to-face training courses and workshops, fellowship programmes and schools on various nuclear-related topics. The IAEA also offers more than 120 online learning courses and webinars, from beginner to expert level, which can be accessed after registering with the Agency’s Nucleus portal (registration and login accessible when choosing a specific online course).


Management and Control of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)

Natural resources that are extracted from the ground such as coal, oil, natural gas and other mineral ores contain various amounts of natural radioactivity.


Occupational Radiation Protection Appraisal Service (ORPAS)

Occupational Radiation Protection Appraisal Service (ORPAS) is a peer review service provided by the IAEA, the objective of ORAPS is to enhance national arrangements for radiation protection of workers in Member States.The ORPAS Guideline was published in 2020 based on the IAEA |Safety Standards


Occupational Radiation Protection based on General Safety Guide No. GSG-7

The purpose of this course is to increase understanding of the occupational exposure control requirements contained in GSR Part 3 and how these safety standards fit within the IAEA Safety Standards hierarchy.


Radiation Basics and Consequences of Exposure to Radiation

The objective of this course is to provide an essential understanding of radiation, its types, units of measurement, biological effects, associated risks and principles of protection when dealing with radiation sources.


Radiation Protection Training Course for Occupationally Exposed Workers

The Radiation Protection Training Course for Occupationally Exposed Workers was developed by the IAEA as a training tool for exposed workers in the Member States.

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