Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
The text of the Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities is reproduced for the information of all Members of the Agency...
Revisions and Addendums
Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
12 November 2009
Addition to the List of Facilities subject to safeguards under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
7 April 2010
Addition to the List of Facilities subject to safeguards under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
16 December 2010
Addition to the List of Facilities subject to safeguards under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
19 December 2012
Addition to the List of Facilities subject to safeguards under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
28 March 2014
Addition to the List of Facilities subject to safeguards under the Agreement...

Protocol Additional to the Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Facilities
1 August 2014
The text of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities is reproduced for the information of all Members...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
5 February 2015
Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
10 August 2015

Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
19 September 2017
Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
25 May 2018
Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement...

Agreement Between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
10 January 2020
The Annex to document INFCIRC/754/Add.9, should be amended as follows...

Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
10 January 2020
Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement...

Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
24 August 2020
Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement...

Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities
13 January 2023
Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement