Nuclear Data for Charged-particle Monitor Reactions and Medical Isotope Production

Closed for proposals

Project Type

Coordinated Research Project

Project Code




Approved Date

28 March 2012



Start Date

9 July 2012

Expected End Date

9 July 2017

Completed Date

3 December 2018


Cyclotrons and other accelerators are used for the production of radionuclides for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in nuclear medicine. There is a renewed worldwide interest among the nuclear-data user community in the field of medical applications. The main data areas requiring improvements are: i) monitor reactions for charged-particle beams, ii) removal of data discrepancies in production of diagnostic gamma emitters, iii) production of novel positron emitters and of positron emitters via generator isotopes and iv) production of alpha emitters. In all these areas there is a concurrent need for measurement and re-evaluation of decay data. The Co-ordinated Research Project on “Nuclear data for charged-particle monitor reactions and medical isotope production” is proposed to address those data needs. The outputs will be new measurements and evaluations of decay and cross section data for reactions used to monitor charged-particle beams, and for production of novel positron and alpha emitters with direct medical applications. Accurate integral yields will also be derived for data validation. Radionuclide producers and other users will draw upon data generated from this CRP to improve both the quality and safety of use for all studied radionuclides. Generated data could be used in other fields such as fusion, analytical applications and the development and testing of nuclear reaction models.


The overall objective of the proposed IAEA CRP is to enhance the ability of MS to produce and/or utilise good quality nuclear data to produce radionuclides of high purity in an efficient manner aimed at both diagnostic and therapeutic applications, and to facilitate interaction and sharing of work within the community of nuclear data professionals in a timely and professional manner. 

Specific objectives

to evaluate and undertake direct positron and X-ray measurements of decay data for selected positron emitters: Ni-57, Cu-62, Cu-64, Ga-66, As-72, Se-73, Br-76, Rb-81,82m, Sr-83, Y-86, Tc-94m and I-120g;

to evaluate nuclear reaction cross sections and yields for the production of heavy alpha emitters used in targeted radiotherapy (e.g. U-230/Th-226), and long-lived positron emitters (e.g. Mn-52, Co-55, Fe-52, Ga-66, As-71, Se-73 and Br-76) that enable slower metabolic processes to be addressed;

to improve data for production of diagnostic gamma emitters: I-123 production via Xe targets, Tc-99 accelerator production, In-111 production by Cd-112(p,2n) reaction;

to undertake new measurements and evaluate decay data of following nuclei: Ga-66, Y-86, Pd-103. If resources allow, undertake evaluation of Se-73, Tc-94m, As-72, Zn-62, Br-76, Zr-89 and I-120;

to update evaluations of the charged-particle monitor (standard) reaction database for proton, deuteron, He-3 and alpha induced reactions relevant for medical and fusion applications;


This CRP produced a huge amount of high-quality radionuclide evaluated production data ass well as updated the charged-particle monitor reactions.
It is been very successful as evidenced by produced comprehensive publications and updated online databases.


Highly relevant to improve the quality of the radionuclide production data using accelerators.

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