Conceptual Development of Steady-state Compact Fusion Neutron Sources

Closed for proposals

Project Type

Coordinated Research Project

Project Code




Approved Date

13 December 2011



Start Date

25 June 2012

Expected End Date

31 December 2016

Completed Date

19 January 2017


Both the fusion and fission energy sectors need the availability of additional neutron sources to aid in their development and solve their fuel cycle problems. Moreover, availability of neutron sources with high intensity and high flux will broaden, even qualitatively, the scope of basic research and technology activities including neutron scattering, neutron dipole moment measurements, materials development, transmutation and components testing for fusion and fission applications. Reasonable extrapolations from current machines indicate that magnetic fusion neutron sources, with a potential of providing intensities up to 1020n/s and fluxes higher than 1015 n/cm2s, are a near term possibilityThe objectives of the present CRP are to examine and also develop a conceptual framework for a variety of steady-state compact fusion neutron sources (CFNS). All CFNS studies will be based on highly successful magnetic configurations that have demonstrated the confinement of hot high pressure plasmas for considerable times so that the nuclear reaction rates could be maintained at a high enough level. The CFNS conceptual designs will cover a large range of fusion power 1-100 MW (=> ~3.5* 1017 - 3.5*1019 n/s). The CRP will provide concepts and conceptual designs for both low and high power CFNS,       as well as a comprehensive safety analysis for the proposed CFNS. This CRP will help lay, through building collaborations among scientists in the Member States, the foundation for practical applications of intense neutron sources.


The overall objective of this CRP is to: (i) support the research on and the development of steady-state compact fusion neutron sources for scientific, technological and nuclear energy applications; (ii) promote and establish collaboration among participants, industries and institutions involved in the project.

Specific objectives

To investigate options for steady-state compact fusion neutron sources (CFNS) with typical fusion power in the range 1-100 MW (intensity 3.5x1017-1019 n/s), neutron wall loading in the range 0.1-1 MW/m2 based on magnetic confinement approached such as tokamaks, stellarators and mirror machines

To address facility safety issues

To bring together the stake holders and end users (such as the nuclear energy sector including fusion and fission, the basic research sector, biology and medicine sectors) of fusion neutrons for fine tuning specific design requirements for CFNS

To explore plasma parameter spaces for optimizing core and edge plasma performance for neutron production at fusion energy gain value Q = 0.1-1

To formulate concepts for enabling technologies and associated materials: this will include the magnet systems, vacuum vessel, divertor, blankets, the heating and current drive systems, the pumping, cooling and fuelling systems, the tritium plant, diagnostics, the remote handling system

To investigate options for steady-state compact fusion neutron sources (CFNS) with typical fusion power in the range 1-100 MW (intensity 3.5x1017-1019 n/s), neutron wall loading in the range 0.1-1 MW/m2 based on magnetic confinement approached such as tokamaks, stellarators and mirror machines

To address facility safety issues

To bring together the stake holders and end users (such as the nuclear energy sector including fusion and fission, the basic research sector, biology and medicine sectors) of fusion neutrons for fine tuning specific design requirements for CFNS

To develop simulation tools for plasma, nuclear processes and their interaction

To formulate a joint programme of supporting R&D necessary and relevant to the eventual development of CFNS


From many different perspectives, the CRP has had an enormous impact on a coordinated effort for the development of compact fusion neutron sources: concept and engineering designs have matured and have been realized within this framework. For the Kurchatov, the additional beneficial impact has been better contact with Nuclear society in Russia and with participants in the FUNFI activity. For the University of Texas, the CRP has led to experiments on mainline fusion systems (including DIIID), seeking to explore the theoretical concepts developed as part of the CRP. For Tokamak Energy, the development of Fusion technologies via Emerging Fusion Industrial activities and implementation of these technologies has resulted in the construction of prototype of a compact FNS ST40. For Woodruff Scientific, preliminary design points have been completed for compact fusion neutron source to be built at a university in the USA, and participation in the CRP has opened the door to potential development partners by presenting fusion neutron source design points at technical meetings. For Uppsala and Kharkiv, the CRP has helped to promote and advertise the concept for CNFS. The discussions at the CRMs had a positive influence on the concept development. For the FDS, the compact fusion neutron source has attracted a lot of attention in China during the 4-year research activities, as well as the concept of GDT. Research on GDT based fusion neutron source has been presented at more than seven international conferences, and a fusion neutron source development roadmap has been presented dozens of times at many international or domestic conferences and workshops. For the Moscow Physical Society, the very important problem of characterising of an influence of a NFC upon surrounding fusion neutron fields (their distortions by the chamber) have been formulated and partially resolved.


Over-achingly, the CRP is relevant to programs ongoing in the countries of the various participant institutions, but more than that, it is assisting in some cases to drive the discussion and substantiate the scientific case for plasma-based fusion neutron sources. For the Kurchatov, participation in the CRP is driving a higher level of integration of fusion into the government Atomic Agency. For Tokamak Energy, the development of Fusion technologies via Emerging Fusion Industrial activities contributes to development of necessary technologies of tools for the mainstream Fusion research in the UK. For Woodruff Scientific, the CRP is relevant to ongoing programs in the USA, particularly the ARPA-E ALPHA program seeking to develop compact fusion energy sources, where a neutron source could form a nearer-term revenue stream (Thorium fuel cycle is being discussed within this context). For the University of Texas, the CRP helps to validate the approach of building a Q~1 machine, which would be highly relevant to the energy scene – fusion entering as a helper to fission. For Uppsala and Kharkov, the CRP joins efforts of the scientists from different countries has emphasized out the needs of a compact neutron source and have brought scientists from the member states together; and, the CFNS could contribute to solving the problem of controlled fusion as a base of a component test facility and of nuclear waste incineration and safe energy production as a part of fusion fission hybrid. For FDS, the compact fusion neutron source is the third stage of Chinese HINEG (High Intensity D-T Fusion Neutron Generator). The first stage, HINEG-I had been constructed and successfully produced a D-T fusion neutron yield up to the grade of 1012n/s in January 2016. HINEG-II is an updated device of HINEG-I with more powerful ion source and higher fusion neutron yield. The experience of these two devices and related experiments will support the R&D of subsequent CFNS, as candidate of HINEG-III. For Moscow Physical Society, the importance and significance of the above-described works for the current CRP is connected with their contribution to the basic research sector, namely to diagnostics of neutron fields around NFC of CFNS provided by an adequate fusion source operating in the ecologically safe conditions. Besides as a spin-off application the short powerful flashes of fast fusion neutrons were used for conversion of them by means of a moderator into short pulses of epithermal neutrons that are better fitted to the goals of the pulsed (shock-like) BNCT of cancer.

CRP Publications


Scientific journal article



Publication URL


Presents some results of CRP activities at the Kurchatov institute in Moscow


Russian Federation


Scientific journal article



Publication URL


Presents results achieved within the CRP so far


United Kingdom


Scientific journal article



Publication URL


Presents some results of CRP activities at the Kurchatov institute in Moscow


Russian Federation


Scientific journal article



Publication URL


Presents some results of CRP activities at the Kurchatov institute in Moscow


Russian Federation

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