Investigations on Materials under High Repetition and Intense Fusion Pulses

Closed for proposals

Project Type

Coordinated Research Project

Project Code




Approved Date

8 September 2011

Start Date

11 November 2011

Expected End Date

10 May 2016

Completed Date

18 April 2016


One of the key issues still to be resolved in the quest for fusion energy production is the characterization, qualification (testing) and development of advanced plasma facing materials capable of withstanding the extreme radiation and heat loads expected in fusion reactors. Fundamental understanding of plasma-wall interaction processes in mainstream fusion devices requires dedicated R&D activity in plasma simulators used in close connection with material characterization facilities as well as with theory and modeling activities. The present CRP will use the pool of existing plasma accelerators in various Member States to contribute to the knowledge-based understanding of the performance and adequacy of candidate plasma facing materials (different tungsten grades and coatings, beryllium, CFC, SiC) of next step fusion devices under extreme energy and particle loads. The CRP will provide (i) a data base of erosion behaviour of selected materials under different heat and particle load conditions and various sample treatment scenarios, and (ii) a comprehensive analysis of plasma-surface interaction processes under high repetition and intense fusion-relevant pulses. In addition, this CRP will help lay, through building collaborations among scientists in the Member States, the foundation for practical applications of powerful plasma accelerators in material science. Moreover, it will provide an open networking forum of small plasma devices enabling the exchange information between ITER and non ITER members.


The overall objective of the present CRP is to use the pool of existing plasma accelerators in various Member States to contribute to the knowledge-based understanding of the performance and adequacy of candidate plasma facing materials of next step fusion devices under extreme energy and particle load conditions.

Specific objectives

Classification of main factors (pulse length and repetition rate, total fluence, fuel retention, etc) affecting the performance and adequacy of candidate plasma facing materials of next step fusion devices. This will also include comparative studies of identical material samples on different device

Development and standardization of specific diagnostics relevant to the analysis of high power plasma impacts on selected material

Establishment of a data base of erosion behaviour of selected materials (different tungsten grades and coatings, beryllium, CFC, SiC) under different heat and particle load conditions and different sample treatment scenario

Investigation of damage processes of surface layers, fuel retention and dust issues of candidate plasma facing materials (different tungsten grades and coatings, beryllium, CFC, SiC) of next step fusion devices under high power and repetitive plasma impacts

Investigation of damage produced on tungsten sample by combined effects of neutron irradiation and thermal load in nuclear fission reactor

Validation of available codes against experimental results achieved in the framework of the CRP


This CRP provided a unique possibility for experimental simulations of plasma-surface interaction phenomena involving materials under extreme conditions as expected in fusion reactors (such as ITER and DEMO) and which cannot be studied in present day tokamaks.
The CRP has promoted the use of small scale devices as test-bed facilities for addressing issues of high relevance to large scale fusion devices. Activities therein have led to increased capabilities of diagnostics for plasma material interaction. In addition, it has made possible for countries not currently members of ITER project to contribute to ITER relevant scientific investigations. It has provided the opportunities for scientific coordination and cooperation between developed and developing countries. A remarkable impact has been made in honing the capabilities of young scientists in fusion relevant research in different member states.
As the subject of materials under extreme conditions has applications in several research and industrial areas the work performed within the framework of the CRP has relevance beyond its original scope (for example materials for aerospace applications, high-temperature engineering, novel plasma technologies etc.)


The CRP has provided input into the knowledge-based understanding of the underlying processes leading to material damage due to heat and neutron loads in fusion devices, while contributing to the development of fusion technology. This is in line with the objectives of the subprogramme on Nuclear Fusion Research and Technology.

CRP Publications







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