Clinical/Radiobiological Study on Viral-Induced Cancers’ Response to Radiotherapy, with Comprehensive Morbidity Assessment

Closed for proposals

Project Type

Coordinated Research Project

Project Code




Approved Date

12 September 2006

Start Date

15 September 2006

Expected End Date

14 September 2014

Completed Date

2 February 2015


Cervix cancer is one of the more common malignancies in women, particularly in developing countries. A vast majority of the cases are diagnosed in locally advanced stages of the disease, but cure with radiation still is possible.
Radiotherapy plays a dominant role in the treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix. Its curative potential depends greatly on the management of intracavitary brachytherapy (BT), which is administered in combination with external irradiation (EBRT). BT can be either of low dose rate (LDR) or increasingly there is use of high dose rate (HDR). HDR BT is traditionally given in 3 to 6 fractions. Howeverthe use of a 2 fraction regime would double the available physical and human resources. It would also help to shorten the treatment and hence reduce hospital visits for patients.
Since local control still remains a problem in patients with advanced cervical cancer, there have been several trials testing chemotherapy with radiation therapy. There appears to be mixed results with cisplatin and radiation, but cisplatin is increasingly used internationally. Since cisplatin requires increased resources of personnel and money, and can result in increased toxicity, testing the drug with radiation is important.
The association of levels of particular molecular markers with radiotherapy outcome may enable different doses to be delivered to individual patients, producing an overall increase in tumour control without increasing morbidity.
Cancer is a growing public health problem in developing countries. Due to lack of public education and scarcity of adequate health care facilities most patients present with advanced disease. In these patients, radiotherapy plays an indispensable role in both curative and palliative treatments. During radiotherapy, various adverse events occur as a consequence of irradiation of normal tissues.

The ARBR Section plans to add a component on improvement of the capture and assessment of long-term normal tissue effects of radiotherapy, to test the use of specially designed questionnaires that could improve adverse event reporting through the use of electronic capture mode. Questionnaires will be used face to face for patients enrolled and the data obtained that way would be compared with data obtained using the traditional way from patient notes.


The overall objective of CRP (E3.3024) was to test the clinical value (tumour control and toxicity) of a resource-sparing schedule of radiotherapy/brachytherapy with or without chemotherapy for cervical cancer.
The project will include to detect molecular markers that will predict tumour control/resistance and to establish whether E6 and E7 viral proteins predict cellular radiosensitivity in oxic and hypoxic conditions in vitro and tumour control/resistance in vivo.

Specific objectives

1. To compare loco regional control, survival and acute and late effects of two vs. four HDR brachytherapy fractions to treat patients with Stages IIB and IIIB Cervix Cancer

2. To determine if cisplatin when given concurrently during the external beam radiation phase of treatment leads to additional tumour control or toxicity

3. To explore patterns of protein expressions in tumour cells suitable antibodies to a range of proteins in tumour sections, and to assess any associations of these patterns with tumour control. To measure the radiosensitivity of cervix cancer cell lines in oxic and hypoxic conditions, using cell lines infected with these characteristic cervical viral oncoproteins; and if possible, to use the E6 and E7 markers in tissue samples from the patients in this study, to assess any associations with tumour control or resistance to treatments.

4. Can a questionnaire approach be used effectively in a multicentre, multinational study?
Does data capture using the electronic version of the questionnaire at the point of care facilitate and improve the efficiency of data collection? Is electronic questionnaire (“active”) data capture seen as an advantage for the late assessment of the therapeutic benefit over conventional (“passive”) data acquisition?


This CRP has a big impact, both internally and externally. Internally, it set the recommendations for the fractionation of brachytherapy for cervical cancer, and opened the way for the new CRP E33042. In addition, it was presented in 2017 ASTRO plenary session. Two papers are planned as a product of the CRP. Results will be included in a large meta-analysis that the IAEA is preparing on the use of IGBT.


The CRP is relevant to MS, because it sets the optimal fractionation schedule for brachytherapy in a very prevalent disease.

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