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Strengthening Technical Cooperation in Europe and Central Asia to Face New Challenges in the Region


Held on 23 September 2021, the bi-annual event brought more than 40 NLOs and NLAs from 32 countries together to discuss the present and future implementation of the regional programme. (Photo: C. Karle/IAEA)

National Liaison Officers (NLOs) and Assistants (NLAs) play a central role in the design and delivery of the technical cooperation (TC) programme. On 23 September, more than 40 NLOs and NLAs from 32 countries in Europe and Central Asia gathered to review, assess and adapt ongoing TC activities to face new and emerging challenges in the region, such as zoonotic diseases, marine pollution and environmental monitoring.

On the margins of the 65th IAEA General Conference, the bi-annual event reviewed 180 ongoing national and regional TC projects, their implementation status, as well as achievements. Referencing the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, Eve-Kulli Kala, Director of the TC Division for Europe (TCEU),  said, “Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the IAEA did not stop for one minute in its delivery of support through the regional technical cooperation programme in Europe and Central Asia.” Kala acknowledged the NLOs who volunteered as members of a working group to revise the existing Europe Regional Strategic Profile (RSP), which establishes priority activities to implement and identifies emerging opportunities to leverage.

Sandra Steyskal, Section Head in the Division for Europe, presented the implementation status of all ongoing national and regional projects of the 2020-2021 technical cooperation cycle. She highlighted the measures adopted to build resilience and to adapt to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the organization of virtual meetings and smaller, in-person events. “Despite the pandemic, so far in 2021, 95 virtual and 24 in-person events were implemented, 151 procurement requisitions were approved and 53 home-based assignments were organized for experts,” said Steyskal. NLOs and NLAs were also briefed on the implementation of the IAEA’s ZODIAC initiative. In Europe and Central Asia, 24 countries have received support in the development of their laboratory capacities to diagnose COVID-19 using RT-PCR testing kits.

Eve-Kulli Kala, IAEA Director of the Division for Europe, and Hua Liu, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, delivered opening remarks to the meeting of National Liaison Officers (NLOs) and Assistants (NLAs) from Europe and Central Asia. (Photo: C. Karle/IAEA) 

Turning the attention to the future of the regional programme, Section Head Jing Zhang delivered a presentation on the proposed 2022-2023 programme, which has been submitted for the IAEA Board of Governors’ approval.

The proposed programme reflects the joint efforts of the IAEA and the region to prioritize assistance and activities in alignment with national Country Programme Frameworks and with the current RSP. “The new programme consists of 78 national and 15 regional projects, 41 per cent of which focus on nuclear and radiation safety, 23 per cent on human health, and 16 per cent on food and agriculture, among other fields of activity,” said Zhang.

“I congratulate TCEU Member States for their efforts to optimize resources, by presenting fewer but more comprehensive multi-year projects with the potential for a higher impact,” said IAEA Deputy Director General Liu Hua. “Your efforts are also reflected in the timeliness of your submissions, the strategic prioritization of the assistance and in the high quality of the designs, in compliance with the TC quality criteria of relevance, ownership, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness.”

The role of National Liaison Officers (NLOs)

The NLO is the primary contact person between the IAEA and a country on matters relating to the IAEA, in particular the TC programme. The efficient and effective planning, formulation and management of the TC programme, and other related IAEA activities, depend on the NLOs’ input.

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