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Characteristics and Parameters of Family Poultry Production in Africa


Results of a FAO/IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme on Assessment of the effectiveness of vaccination strategies against Newcastle disease and Gumboro disease using immunoassay-based technologies for increasing farmyard poultry production in Africa. IAEA Vienna (2002).

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- Table of Contents 10 KB
Foreword 6 KB
The need for a holistic view on disease problems in free-range chickens 38 KB
Survey of the traditional poultry production system in the Bamenda area, Cameroon 55 KB
Amélioration de l'environnement sanitaire de la volaille traditionnelle: cas de la Côte d'Ivoire 39 KB
Strategies for the improvement of rural chicken production in Ghana 28 KB
Health and management improvements of family poultry production in Africa - Survey results from Kenya 42 KB
- Aviculture villageoise � Madagascar: Productivit� et situation �pidemiologique 100 KB
Family poultry production in Mauritius: Problems and prospects 35 KB
Health and management constraints to family poultry development in Morocco 132 KB
Village poultry production in the Sudan 40 KB
Studies on the structure and problems of family poultry production in Tanzania 72 KB
Newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease among free-range village chickens in Tanzania 54 KB
Rural poultry production in two agro-ecological zones of Uganda 265 KB
Improvement of health and management of family poultry production in Zimbabwe 30 KB
Comparative analysis of family poultry production in twelve African countries 24 KB
Experiences in the control of Newcastle disease in Mozambique 45 KB
Strategies for vaccination of family poultry against Newcastle disease in Africa 41 KB
An ELISA for the detection of antibodies against Newcastle disease virus in African village poultry 40 KB
Farmer-driven research on village chicken production in Sanyati, Zimbabwe 44 KB
Poultry studies and anthropological research strategies 82 KB
Further assessment of scavenging feed resource base 81 KB
- List of Participants 17 KB

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