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Japan's Reports on Conditions at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 10 September 2020

The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Completion of the dismantling plan for the Unit 1 - Unit 2 exhaust stack

The IAEA welcomes the completion of this dismantling work and the consequent improvement in the seismic tolerance of the Unit 1 – Unit 2 exhaust stack.

Disposal of ALPS treated water

The IAEA notes that the reported collection of opinions on the ALPS Subcommittee report is in line with the Advisory Point 1 from the Fourth IAEA Peer Review mission. The IAEA reiterates that a decision on the disposition path for the stored ALPS treated water must be taken urgently.

Thorough COVID-19 countermeasures implemented to continue work

The IAEA notes the efforts made to prevent COVID-19 infection among workers at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS, in order to allow for the continuity of decommissioning operations during the pandemic.

Fuel removal from Unit 1

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Unit 1.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

The IAEA notes that based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme that is in place in Japan is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

The IAEA notes that based on the information provided by Japan, food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. The situation with regard to the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Monitoring foods, appropriate regulatory action and awareness raising public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.

Last update: 12 Oct 2020

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