Visions for Security

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The October 2006 IAEA Bulletin edition marks the 50th anniversary of the Statute of the IAEA adoption by the UN. The focus is on nuclear terrorism. The IAEA promotes international cooperation in the field through its nuclear security plan. Work is done to reduce the use, and better control the production, of high enriched uranium. The public, as a major stakeholder in case of nuclear emergency, needs to receive the proper education to be able to adequately react. Meeting in July 2006, the G8 endorsed the IAEAÕs work. Nuclear energy finds support as a green energy. Nuclear technology is being developed for the rapid detection of emerging diseases. A feature article reports on a Japanese oncologist in her radiation-averse country. This issue also examines the topic of brain drain, notably at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. It also marks the 10th year since the UN adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).

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