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Measurement Assurance in Dosimetry

Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Vienna, Austria, 24–27 May 1993

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/930 ¦ 92-0-100194-0

¦ € 138.00 ¦ Date published: 1994


Proceedings of a symposium, Vienna, 24–27 May 1993. Accurate dosimetry is of great importance for applications of radiation in medicine. The symposium covered all the various steps required in the calibration chain to determine the absorbed dose in radiotherapy. Different calibration procedures at primary and secondary standard laboratories were discussed, and reports were presented on dose intercomparisons based on different national and international protocols. Analyses of the accuracy of various interaction coefficients were also presented. The final session dealt with the special problems of diagnostic X ray dosimetry.
Contents: Status of primary standards for absorbed dose, exposure and kerma; Intercomparison, dissemination and transfer; Calibrations and quality assurance programmes; Dose, volume and quality specifications; Interaction coefficients and correction factors; Application of different protocols for absorbed dose determination; Plane parallel chambers; Beam quality dependence; Direct calibration in absorbed dose to water; Diagnostic X ray dosimetry.

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