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DH Expert Working Party Response to: Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in The Environment (COMARE) 16th Report

In May 2016, DH Expert Working Party Response to: Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) 16th Report ‘Patient radiation dose issues resulting from the use of CT in the UK’ was published by the Department of Health in the UK.

The aim of the 16th report from COMARE was to advise the Department of Health on the increased radiation dose issues resulting from the use of diagnostic CT scans within the UK.

The increased use of CT has raised concerns regarding the radiation dose to patients from CT scans. CT makes a larger contribution to the radiation exposure of patients when compared with other imaging modalities because of the greater doses of ionising radiation. There is particular concern about younger patients undergoing CT scans, owing to their greater  radiosensitivity.

The Department of Health proposed that a working party of relevant experts consider the COMARE 16 report to offer practical advice for healthcare providers and make recommendations to the Department of Health.

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Last update: 27 Jan 2020

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