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General Conference Day 2 Highlights


A panel discussion on a new gynaecological cancer staging app that was launched at a side event during the 60th IAEA General Conference. (Photo: V. Fournier/IAEA)

During the plenary session of the General Conference, over 40 delegations delivered statements, which are available here.

At the first side event this morning, Women in All Things Nuclear: Women at the IAEA over the Last 60 Years the key role of women and the contribution they make in the nuclear field was highlighted, along with strategies to use in order to get more girls and young women interested in seeking a career in nuclear.

The International Nuclear Management Academy (INMA) highlighted its 2013 initiative that provides a collaborative framework for universities to offer future professionals the proper education and skills necessary to lead the nuclear sector.

Targeted Recruitment Initiatives: Sourcing Plan Implementation focused on the implementation of the new sourcing plan to increase the visibility of career opportunities at the IAEA.

At the side event Improving the Management of Gynaecological Cancer, a new app was introduced that would help doctors more quickly and accurately evaluate the extent of cancer in female reproductive organs and select the appropriate treatment.

The Sixth Nuclear Operator Organizations Cooperation Forum: Economic Sustainability of Nuclear Power Generation in the Next Decade brought together industry leaders and regulators to discuss key issues and challenges regarding the economic sustainability of nuclear power.

The side event on Recent Advances in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Using Research Reactors and Accelerators, focused on the successful clinical trials using irradiated boron isotopes for certain types of cancer, and the current status as well as the future perspectives of BNCT as an effective option for cancer treatment.

At the INPRO Collaborative Project SYNERGIES, a short summary of the key findings of the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) Collaborative Project SYNERGIES (‘Synergistic Nuclear Energy Regional Group Interactions Evaluated for Sustainability’) was provided.

The Nuclear Capacity Building and Efficient Training Delivery event presented the IAEA’s programme for capacity building based on research reactors and distance learning.

At the side event Sustainability of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Focus on Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation, the IAEA’s support to Member States in environmental remediation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities was highlighted.

At the Treaty Event the focus was on the Implementation of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its Amendment as well as on universal adherence to this key nuclear security agreement by IAEA Member States.

IAEA Curricula for Nuclear Medicine Professionals: Elevating Learning through Innovative Strategies showcased an IAEA initiative to enhance the value of learning activities through the Agency’s Curricula for nuclear medicine professionals, and highlight accreditation by international bodies for continuing medical education (CME) credits.

The IAEA School of Radiation Emergency Management: Training on Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response provided a comprehensive overview of the training in nuclear or radiological emergency preparedness and response.

Member States side events:

Pacific Islands Regional Transport Network: Contributing to Transport Safety organized by the Pacific Islands Regional Transport Network, showcased the recent accomplishments and future plans of all of the regional transport safety networks.

In-Vessel Melt Retention (IVMR) Strategies for High Power Reactors, organized by France showcased new experimental and theoretical investigations in the field of in-vessel melt retention (IVMR) as well as a harmonized methodology for the analysis of IVMR that can be used for various types of high power reactors in Europe and other regions.

60 Years of Cooperation with the IAEA: Nuclear Energy as a Factor of Sustainable Development, organized by Russia, highlighted the contribution of veterans of atomic energy and industry to the development of peaceful nuclear energy.

Small Modular Reactors: Option for Safe Nuclear Power Technology for Near-term Deployments, organized by China, highlighted the design, safety, licensing, and site selection aspects of ACP100 small modular reactor designs.

Presentation of Masters Programme in Nuclear Security, focused on the Bulgarian Masters programme that offers specialization in the field of nuclear security, as well as partnerships with other countries.

The Agency’s Support to Newcomers to Nuclear Power: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Case Study highlighted the impact of the IAEA’s support on the successful implementation of the UAE nuclear power programme during a panel discussion.

Generation II and III Reactor Technology Research and Development Programme, organized by Belgium, focused on research and development, nuclear power safety, competitiveness,  and the contribution  nuclear power can make to achieving the Paris Agreement Goals.

The Ceremony to Mark the First Agreements under the Agency’s ICERR Scheme, hosted by France, commemorated the signing of the first agreements between the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission and ‘affilate’ institutions under the IAEA–designated International Centre based on Research Reactors (ICERR) scheme.

The event Benefits of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation (CSC) for Nuclear Damage, organized by Japan and the USA with Argentina, India, Montenegro, Romania and the UAE, provided an overview on why these countries joined the CSC and the benefits of adhering to it.

Fast Reactors for Future Nuclear Power and Closed Fuel Cycle provided insights by Russian specialists on current projects for fast reactor development and their role in complex fuel cycles services.

At the ARCAL (The Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean) event, Member States discussed the key development priorities in the region to promote the use of nuclear techniques for peace and development in the region.

The ARASIA (The Cooperative Agreement for Arab States in Asia for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology) event focused on activities for training, research, development and applications of nuclear science and technology.

The IAEA signed a Practical Arrangement on cooperation in the area of nuclear security with the General Directorate of the Guardia Civil of Spain today.  Enhanced cooperation in organising national, regional and international training courses, seminars and workshops related to the field of nuclear security events are among the areas outlined in the Practical Arrangement.

This Practical Arrangement with Spain in the area of nuclear security was signed by Juan Carlos Lentijo, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security at the IAEA and Guardia Civil Director-General Arsenio Fernández de Mesa. (Photo: R. Diaz Francia/IAEA)


Last update: 09 Sep 2024

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