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Crafting national strategies for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety

With the aim of building sustainable infrastructures and capabilities, recent IAEA General Conference resolutions have encouraged Member States to establish national strategies for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety. In keeping with these resolutions, Agency experts welcomed more than 60 high-level policy- and decision-makers from radiation protection authorities and national ministries to the Vienna International Centre for a two-day consultative meeting on the subject, from 16-17 December. 

Although significant progress has been made in this domain, the consultative meeting was organized to address the needs of Member States who do not yet conform to the International Basic Safety Standards for Radiation Protection. Mr Dazhu Yang, Deputy Director General (DDG) and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, was joined by Mr Juan Carlos Lentijo, DDG and Head of Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, in providing the meeting's opening remarks.

"Truly making progress means building on the work and gathering the commitment of many players: regulators, end-user facilities, academia, Ministries of Health, Ministries of Science, atomic energy commissions," explained Deputy Director General Yang.

The main objective of a national strategy in the area of radiation, transport and waste safety is to achieve the desired level of competence in a timely and effective fashion, taking into account needs at the national level and optimizing the available resources across all Member States. This is in line with the IAEA's 'Strategic Approach to Education and Training in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety (2011-2020)'.


Between 2012 and 2014, 20 workshops were held in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish under five regional IAEA technical cooperation projects. The workshops disseminated guidance on a methodology to establish a national strategy, and collected information on human resources and training infrastructure, as well as national legal and regulatory frameworks for education and training in radiation safety. One of the main conclusions of these workshops was that strong support and clear commitment on the part of national policy-makers and relevant authorities is essential for the effective establishment of a national strategy.

This consultative meeting aimed to follow up with policy- and decision-makers on the initiatives taken by Member States to establish national strategies for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety. The participating delegates shared their experiences on the initiatives taken, challenges they faced, and solutions they implemented to establish national strategies.


The meeting succeeded in raising the awareness of the need for sustainability when building competence in radiation protection and safety, the need to optimize national resources in complementarity with the IAEA's assistance, and the necessity of planning human resources' development on the basis of the actual training needs.

Upon the conclusion of the consultative meeting, the policy-decision makers in attendance collectively agreed on the need for national strategies, government commitment, broad stakeholder involvement, and a national steering committee to guide development and oversight.  Representatives of the Member States agreed to convey the information to the relevant stakeholders in their capitals, in view of taking forward next steps.

This meeting was co-sponsored by projects RAF/9/048, RAS/9/066, RLA/9/075, and RER/9/109. 

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