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Sultanate of Oman Faces the Growing Cancer Burden

According to GLOBOCAN estimates, Oman is facing an almost two-fold increase in cancer incidence in the period 2008-2020. As observed in many countries, Oman is challenged by the ageing population and increased cancer risks largely due to the lifestyle changes.

In anticipation of the rising numbers Oman, through the Ministry of Health, requested an IAEA imPACT Review. The mission was conducted on 26-30 January 2013 to assess the national cancer control capacity and needs in order to more effectively and efficiently address the cancer burden.

The imPACT Review Mission to Oman was conducted under the WHO–IAEA Joint Programme on Cancer Control and was carried out by a team of international experts in the areas of cancer control planning, prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment (including radiation oncology and nuclear medicine), cancer registration and palliative care.

During the mission, the imPACT Review team conducted site visits to major oncology centres in Muscat such as the Royal Hospital and the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, the regional hospital in Salalah, primary health care and polyclinic facilities, private institution, and a cancer non-governmental organization. Visits took place at the actual sites where cancer-related services are offered to get a fuller understanding of the organizational capacities and challenges and the quality of the services provided for the cancer patients and their families.

The imPACT report to be sent to the Ministry of Health shall provide recommendations to the Omani health authorities to better address the cancer burden and in the long term, give the Omani people increased chances of survival and a better quality of life.

The IAEA's Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) designed the imPACT Review, a unique service provided by the IAEA and conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO)International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)and other partner organizations.

The imPACT review mission to the Sultanate of Oman was conducted under the Technical Cooperation (TC) regional project RAS/6/069 “Supporting Comprehensive Cancer Control in the Asia and the Pacific Region”.

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